PERM Alumni


Prof. Kim, Seungmo

Association Professor and Programme Coordinator, B.A. (Hons) in Physical Education and Recreation Management


Dear Fellow Alumni,


Welcome you to the Alumni Website of Physical Education and Recreation Management (PERM) (or formerly named as Physical Education and Recreation Studies (PERS)) at Hong Kong Baptist University. We always appreciate your great support for the PERM as a lifetime and dedicated family member. We hope that this website can serve as a platform the PERM family can facilitate more social interaction and networking with your old friends, teachers, and professors as well as current students. Through this website, you can learn not only about the latest news and great achievements of our alumni, but also the news, developments, and exciting events of the programme and students. We strongly believe that our alumni are PERM’s greatest ambassadors and your achievements can help to inspire our students to become new leaders in the society.

We look forward to speaking to you soon



PERM Alumni Association Message:

Welcome for joining us as a family member of PERM.

Hope the spirit of PERMers will always be with you, inherit the excellent tradition of Hongkong Sport and Recreation Culture.


PERM Alumni Association Committee Members:


Mr. Aaron CHAN

Vice President:

Mr. LEUNG Siu-ting

Ms Circle LAU


Mr. Edmond YIU 

Ms Jay KAN 


Ms Winnie TAM 

Ms CHEUNG Ka-yan 

Mr. Elton KWONG 

Ms LAU Hiu-ching 

Mr. YAN Lok 

Mr. CHAN Wing-yip 

Ms Tazz SO 

Mr. WU Shing

PERM Society  Facebook Page