About Us
MoreThe Department of Sport, Physical Education and Health is an academic department as well as a service unit. It plays multiple roles in providing an undergraduate programme on Physical Education and Recreation Management and a master programme in Sport and Leisure Management, a research post-graduate programme in sports science and recreation management, Physical Education Courses in the General Education programme and University Core Healthy Lifestyle, and intercollegiate sports competition programme.

The Department of Sport, Physical Education and Health offers study programmes for undergraduate, taught postgraduate and research postgraduates. See more admission information of these programmes at:

The research activities of Department of Sport, Physical Education and Health focus on three overarching themes: Sport science, physical activity, and health promotion. We have two great research centers on health and exercise science and fantastic research facilities for conducting sport and health-related research. See more at:

The Department of Sport, Physical Education and Health is responsible for training and coordinating the university’s sports teams, and we proudly offer the Talented Athletes Direct Admission Scheme (TADAS) supporting elite athletes to study at HKBU.
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