Public talk: Dementia prevention and brain health management


A public talk on “Dementia prevention and brain health management” was held on 18 July 2023 in WLB205. It was co-organized by the Department of Sport, Physical Education and Health (SPEH) and the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). A total of 380 participants registered for the event from the community and the University. We invited Prof. Daniel Lai to give a warm welcoming speech to kick start the event. The talk put together experts from clinical gerontologist, biomedical scientist, and Chinese Medicine practitioners to share the most updated and practical tips on enhancing brain health. Dr. Ada Fung, Associate Professor of SPEH, first highlighted the latest research technological development of the “Hong Kong-Vigilance and Memory Test (HK-VMT)” for public use. Dr. Bjorn Tam, Assistant Professor of SPEH, shared some practical exercise tips to prevent cognitive decline. Dr. Tony Chua, Lecturer I of the School of Chinese Medicine, talked about how to care individuals with cognitive decline from the perspective of traditional Chinese Medicine. Finally, Dr. Wendy Wong, Visiting Associate Professor of the Integrative Medical Center at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), introduced proper care tips for different body constitutions for brain health in the Chinese population. Audience engaged enthusiastically with our speakers after the talk to learn about ongoing research.


Video Recap:

Talk 1  - (Click photo to play)                                                                                   Talk 2  - (Click photo to play)

Self Photos / Files - 2023-10-03 12_19_33-香港警覺性及記憶篩查_ 自我偵查及監察 _ 【公眾講座_ 未病先防 掌控腦健康 21-7-2023】 題目_ 香港警覺性及記憶篩查_ 自我偵查及監察 講者_ 馮Self Photos / Files - 2023-10-03 12_20_18-【公眾講座_ 未病先防 掌控腦健康 21-7-2023】 題目_ 運動是良藥_ 肌力訓練與身心整合 講者_ 譚子敬博士 (香港浸會大學, 體育運動及健康學系助理

Talk 3  - (Click photo to play)                                                                                  Talk 4  - (Click photo to play)

Self Photos / Files - 2023-10-03 12_20_38-中醫與認知障礙症 _ 【公眾講座_ 未病先防 掌控腦健康 21-7-2023】 題目_ 中醫與認知障礙症 講者_ 蔡嘉傑博士 (香港浸會大學, 中醫藥學院教學科Self Photos / Files - 2023-10-03 12_20_56-【公眾講座_ 未病先防 掌控腦健康 21-7-2023】 題目_ 現代中醫養生學 講者_ 黃韻婷博士 (香港中文大學, 香港中西醫結合醫學研究所, 客座副教授



Event Photos

Self Photos / Files - SPE_5105

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