Prof. LAU, Wing Chung, Patrick
Department Chair

PositionProfessor, Associate Academy Director (Research) of Academy of Wellness and Human Development
OfficeAAB 1130, Academic and Administration Building, Baptist University Road Campus
Telephone No.3411 5634 (office)
Fax No.3411 5757 (office)
PhD, Department of Exercise & Public Health, School of Postgraduate Medicine and Health Science, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK
Master of Physical Education, Springfield College, USA
Bachelor of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professor Patrick WC Lau is the Professor in the Department of Sport, Physical Education and Health, and was the Director of Centre for Olympic Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University. His research area covers the childhood obesity, exercise science and public health, and Olympism. Since 1998, Prof. Lau has published more than 210 research articles and conference papers in international referred journals and publishers in USA, UK, Europe, Australia, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Prof. Lau is the Accredited Sport Psychologist of British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) since 2005, Adjunct Professor, School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing since 2012, and the Fellow of the European College of Sport Science (FECSS) since 2019. He serves as external examiner/advisor for Hong Kong universities, and has been appointed as advisor or consultant for 18 governmental and commercial organizations in Hong Kong and overseas. Since 2002, he has been invited as the journal reviewer for different international referred journals. He is also the host of radio (RTHK) and TV sports program related to Olympic Games and sport sociology.
- Exercise & overweight children’s behavioral modification
- Olympic Studies
Peer-reviewed Publications
- Wu, W., Lau, Patrick W. C. & Zheng, J. Elite sport development in Hong Kong after the handover. In Zuser,T. & Ho L. K. (Eds.), Sport in Hong Kong: Culture, identity, and policy (p.xx-xx). Peter Lang Publishing. In press.
- Song, H., Lau, Patrick C. & Wang, J. J. Investigation of the motor skills assessments of typically developing preschool children in China. BMC Pediatrics. In press.
- Ma, N., Dang, J., Liu, Y., Zhong, P., Yan, X., Zhang, J., Dong, Song, Y., Ma, J. & Lau, PatrickC. Percentile curves for multiple physical fitness components among Chinese Han children and adolescents aged 7–18 years from a national survey based on the total and the normal weight population. Frontiers in Nutrition. In press.
- Ma, J., Dong, Y. H., Chen, M., Song, Y. & Lau, PatrickC. Geographical variation in physical fitness among Chinese children and adolescents from 2005 to 2014. Frontiers in Public Health. In press.
- Feng, J., Huang,Wendy Y., Lau, PatrickC., Wong, Stephen H. S. & Sit, Cindy H. P. (2021). Movement behaviors and mental health of caregivers of preschoolers in China during the COVID-19 pandemic. Preventive Medicine.
- Lau, PatrickC., Ma F. K., Ransdell, L., Wu, W. & Wang, J. J. (2021). An investigation into opening school sport facilities for community use in Hong Kong. International Leisure Review, 10(1), 5-25.
- Chen, L., Lu, R. R., Duan, J. L., Ma, J., Zhu, G., Song, Y., Lau, P. W. C. & Prochaska, J. J. Individual and Combined Associations of Smoking and Bullying Victimization with Binge Drinking among Adolescents in Beijing, China. Frontiers in Psychiatry.
- 宋逸主编,刘永松等参编. 3-8 岁儿童体育游戏指导手册.北京:北京大学医学出版社,
- Dong, H., Wen, B., Yang, Y., Wang, Z., Ma, Y., Song, Y., Ma, J. & Lau, Patrick W.C. (2021). Individual, family and school-level ecological correlates with physical fitness among Chinese school-aged children and adolescents: a national cross-sectional survey in 2014. Frontiers in Nutrition.
- Han, G., Zhang, J., Ma, S., Lu, R., Duan, J., Song, Y., & Lau, PatrickC. (2021). Prevalence of internet addiction and its relationships with combinations of physical activity and screen-based sedentary behavior among adolescents in Beijing, China. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. doi: 10.1123/jpah.2020-0512.
- Kong, P. W., Pan, J. W., Chu, D. P. K., Cheung, P. M. & Lau, PatrickC. (2021). Acquiring Expertise in Precision Sport – What Can We Learn from an Elite Snooker Player? Physical Activity and Health.
- Wu, W., Lau, PatrickC., & Zheng, J. (2021). A Historical Review of Elite Sport Development in Hong Kong, Asian Journal of Sport History & Culture. DOI:10.1080/09523367.2020.1826442.
- Lau, PatrickC., Ransdell, L., Wang, G. & Wang, J. J. Perceptions of the Potential Contribution of Active Video Games to School Physical Education in Hong Kong Children and Adolescents. (2021). International Journal of Physical Education. 58(1), 26-41.
- Liang, , Lau, Patrick W.C., Jiang, Y. & Maddison, R. (2020). Getting Active with Active Video Games: A Quasi-Experimental Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17217984
- Lei, Y. T., Luo, D., Hu, P., Dong, B., Zou, Z., Song, Y., Ma., J., & Lau, P.W.C. (2020). The mean age of menarche among Chinese schoolgirls declined by six months* from 2005 to 2014. Acta Paediatric.
- Lau, PatrickC. , Wang, J. J. & Wang G. (2020). Effectiveness of active video games usage on body composition, physical activity level and motor proficiency in children with intellectual disability. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. DOI: 10.1111/jar.12774
- Wang, J., Hu, P., Dai, J., Luo, D., Dong, B., Ma, Y., Song, Y., Ma, J. & Lau, P.W.C. (2020). Reducing anemia among school-aged children in China by eliminating the geographic disparity and ameliorating stunting: evidence from a national survey, Frontier in Pediatri DOI:10.3389/fped.2020.00193
- Dong, Y. H., Lau, P. W. C., Dong, B., Zou, Z. Y., Yang, Y, Wen, B., Ma, Y. H., Hu, P. J., Song, Y., Ma, J., Sawyer, S. M., & Patton, G. C. (2019). Trends in physical fitness, growth and nutritional status of Chinese children and adolescents: an analysis of 5 million students from six successive national surveys between 1985 and 2014, The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health. DOI:10.1016/S2352-4642(19)30302-5.
- Dong, Y. H., Zou, Z. Y., Hu, P. J., Dong, B., Wang, Z. H., Yang, Z. G., Wen, B., Ma, Y. H., Song, Y., Ma, , Lau, P. W. C. (2019). Secular Trends of Ascariasis Infestation and Nutritional Status in Chinese Children From 2000 to 2014: Evidence From 4 Successive National Surveys. Open Forum Infectious Diseases. DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofz193.
- Lau, P. W.C., Pitkethly, A. J., Leung, B. W. C., Lau, E. Y. & Wang, J. J. (2019). The intervention effect of SMS delivery on Chinese adolescent’s physical activity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. DOI:10.3390/ijerph
- Zheng, J., Lau, W. C., Chen, S., Dickson, G., De Bosscher, V., & Peng, Q. (2018). Interorganisational conflict between national and provincial sport organisations within China’s elite sport system. Sport Management Review, 1-15. DOI: 10.1016/j.sm2018.10.002.
- Wang JJ, Wang M*, Lau PWC *, Ainsworth BE, He G, Gao Y. Physical activity as a mediator of the associations between perceived environments and body mass index in Chinese adolescents. Health & Place. 2018, 54: 37-42.
- Lau, Patrick C., Leung, Beeto W. C., Pitkethly, A. J. &. Ransdell, L. (2018). Do Physical Education Teachers and General Teachers Differ in Their Implicit Anti-fat Bias towards Overweight Chinese Students? International Journal of Physical Education, 55(1), 27-37.
- Pitkethly, A. J., Lau, W. C. & Maddison, R. (2018). Investigating the association of self-regulated learning skills and physical activity in Hong Kong Chinese and Scottish adolescents. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/1612197X.2018.1444077
- Zheng, , Chen, S., Tan, TC & Lau, P.W.C. (2017). Sport policy in China (Mainland). International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2017.1413585
- Wang JJ, Gao Y. & Lau PW*. (2017). Prevalence of overweight in Hong Kong Chinese children: its associations with family, early-life development and behavior-related factors. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 15(2), 89-95.
- Wang JJ, Chen, TA, Baranowski , & Lau PW*. (2017). Item response modeling: a psychometric assessment of the children's fruit, vegetable, water, and physical activity self-efficacy scales among Chinese children. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14:126. DOI: 10.1186/s12966-017-0584-x
- Wang JJ, Baranowski T, Lau PW*, Buday, & Gao Y. (2017). Story Immersion may be effective in promoting diet and physical activity in Chinese children. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 49(4):321-329.
- Kim, C. G. Lau, P. W. C., & Lee, J. S. (2017). Influence of post-exercise muscle cooling on oxidative stress, antioxidants, and lactic level Gazzetta Medica Italiana - Archivio per le Scienze Mediche, 176(3):85-91.
- Lau, PatrickC. , Lau, Erica Y., Wang, J. J., Choi, C. R., & Kim, C. G. (2017). A pilot study of the attractive features of active video games among Chinese primary school children. Games for Health Journal, 6(2), 87-96.
- Yang Yide, Lau Patrick C., Wang Jingjing, Dong Bin, Wu Lijing, Quach Binh, Wong Del P., Fu Lianguo, Ma Jun, Wang Haijun. (2016). Associations among cardiorespiratory endurance, body mass index and blood pressure in Han Chinese Children: Results from the 2010 Chinese National Survey on Students’ Constitution and Health. Hypertension Research, 39, 799-804 (Nov.), doi:10.1038/hr.2016.63.
- Lau, Patrick C. , Wang, J. J. & Maddison, R. (2016). A randomized controlled trial of school-based active video game intervention on Chinese children's aerobic fitness, physical activity level and psychological correlates. Games for Health Journal, 5(6), 405-412.
- Wang J.J., Baranowski, T., Patrick. W.C.*, Chen, T.A., Zhang, S.G. (2016). Psychological Correlates of Self-Reported and Objectively Measured Physical Activity among Chinese Children—Psychological Correlates of PA. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 13(10), 1006; doi: 10.3390/ijerph13101006
- 劉永松、黃文江,2016。 更快、更高、更強:人生的體驗。香港 :天地圖書有限公司。
- Wang J.J., Baranowski, T., Patrick. W.C. *, Chen T. A., & Pitkethly, A. J. Validation of the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C) among Chinese Children. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 2016;29(3):177-186.
- Song Y, Ma J., Wang, H. J., Wang, Q., Lau PWC, Agardh, A. (2016). Age at spemarche: 15-year trends and association with Body Mass Index in Chinese school-aged boys. Pediatric Obesity, 11(5):369-374.
- Song Y, Ma J, Agardh, A., Lau PWC, Hu P, Zhang Secular trends of age at menarche among Chinese girls from 24 ethnic minorities, 1985 to 2010. (2015). Global Health Action, 8: 26929.
- Wang, J.J., Patrick. W.C., Wang, H. J., & Ma, J. (2015). Evaluation of a comprehensive intervention with a behavioural modification strategy for childhood obesity prevention: a nonrandomized cluster controlled trial. BMC public health, 15(1), 1206. DOI 10.1186/s12889-015-2535-2.
- Lau, PatrickC. , Ho, Glos, & Leung, Beeto W. C. (2015). Exercise Identity, national Identity, and the perception of humanistic Olympics in the Beijing 2008 Olympics. East Asian Sport Thoughts: The International Journal for the Sociology of Sport, Volume 4, 97-114.
- Wang, J. J., Baranowski, T., Lau, PatrickC *, Pitkethly, A. J. & Buday, R.. (2015). Acceptability and applicability of an American health videogame with story for childhood obesity prevention among Hong Kong Chinese children. Games for Health Journal, 4(6): 513-519. DOI: 10.1089/g4h.2015.0029.
- Lau, PatrickC. , Liang, Y., Lau, Erica. Y., Choi, C. R., Kim, G. C. & Shin M. S. (2015). Evaluating physical and perceptual responses to Exergames in Chinese children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(4), 4018-4030; doi:10.3390/ijerph120404018.
- Gao, Y., Wang, J. J., Lau, Patrick C. *& Ransdell, L. (2015). Pedometer-determined physical activity patterns in a segmented school day in Hong Kong primary school children. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 13(1): 42-48. DOI: 10.1016/j.jesf.2015.03.002.
- Pitkethly, A. & Lau, P. (2015). Reliability and validity of the short Hong Kong Chinese self-regulation of learning self-report scale (SRL-SRS-C). International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, DOI:10.1080/1612197X.2015.1025810
- Zhang, S. X & Lau Patrick WC. (2015). Investigation of cyclists’ demographics, behaviors, motivation and satisfaction on cycling adventure tour in China. Hong Kong Recreation Review, 27, 37-44.
- Lau, Erica , Lau, Patrick W. C., Archer, E. & Cai, B. (2015). The effects of text message content on the use of an Internet-based physical activity intervention in Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives, 20(9): 1041-1051. DOI: 10.1080/10810730.2015.1018580.
- Liang, & Lau Patrick WC *, Huang, Y. J., Maddison. R. & Baranowski, T. (2014). Validity and reliability of questionnaires measuring physical activity, self-efficacy, enjoyment, social support among Hong Kong Chinese children. Preventive Medicine Reports, 1, 48-52.
- Lau, Patrick C., Wong, D., Ngo, J. K., Liang, Y., Kim, G. C. & Kim, H. S. (2014). Effects of high-intensity intermittent running exercise in overweight children. European Journal of Sport Science, 15 (2): 182-190. DOI:10.1080/17461391.2014.933880.
- Liang, Y. & Lau Patrick WC *. (2014). Effects of Active Video Games on Physical Activity and Related Outcomes among healthy children: A systematic review. Games for Health Journal, 3(3), 122-144.
- Fu, G., Wang, H. J., Li, X. H., Wang, Z. Q., Lau, P. W. C., Yang, Y. D., Meng, X. K. & Ma, J. (2014). An objective measure to evaluate actual body shape among children and adolescents in China. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 27:1-13.
- Gao Y, Chan EYY, Li LP, Lau PWC, Wong TW. Chronic effects of ambient air pollution on respiratory morbidities among Chinese children: a cross-sectional study in Hong Kong. BMC Public Health, 2014, 14:105. (doi: 10.1186/10.1186/ 1471-2458-14-105;
- Song Y, Wang HJ, Ma J, Lau PW, Hu P, Zhang B,et al. BMI-for-age Z-score distribution shifts among Chinese children: Gender disparity. Obesity, 2014; 22(4): 1187-1193.
- Wong, Angela K. F. & Lau, Patrick C. (2014). An investigation into the service quality between private and public horse riding schools in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Recreation Review, 26, 21-27.
- Jiang & Lau, Patrick W. C. (2014). Residents’ Perceptions of the Impacts of the 2013 Chinese Grand Prix. Hong Kong Recreation Review, 26, 31-41.
- Chung, P. K., Lau, Patrick C. & Tong, T. K. (Ed.). (2013). Youth, health and technology. Hong Kong Baptist University.
- Lau, Patrick C., Wong, P., & Ransdell, L. (2013). Influence of Perceived to Actual Body Ratings on Peer Relationships and Physical Self-Concept in Chinese Children. International Journal of Physical Education, 50(2), 13-25.
- Liu, H. M. & Lau, Patrick C. (2013). Review and preview of local youth sports development: A holistic perspective of Hong Kong’s youth sports policy. Hong Kong Recreation Review, 25, 39-44.
- Xia, Q., Lau, Patrick C. & Pitkethly, A. (2013). A review of the sports agents system. Hong Kong Recreation Review, 25, 15-28.
- Lau, PatrickC. & Chan, Eric C. H. (2012). A Comparison of Australia, Singapore & Hong Kong Sport policy. Asian Journal of Physical Education & Recreation, 18 (1), 58-75.
- Lau, Erica Y., Lau, Patrick WC. *, Chung, Pak-kwong, Ransdell, L, & Archer, E. (2012). Evaluation of an Internet-SMS-based intervention for promoting physical activity in Hong Kong Chinese adolescent school children: A pilot study. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15(8), 425-434.
- Lau, Patrick C., Lau, Erica. Y., Choi, C., Leung, Beeto W. C., & Wong C. W. M. (2012). Correlations between physical activity, body mass index, anxiety, depression, and quality of life in Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. International Journal of Physical Education, 49(1), 28-38.
- Lau, Patrick C., Lam, Michael H.S. & Leung, Beeto W. C., Choi, C. & Ransdell, L. (2012). The longitudinal changes of national identity in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan before, during and after the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 29 (9), 1281-1294.
- Siu PM, Tam SK, Lau PW, & Wong SH. (2012). The association of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use and self-reported running performance in recreational marathon runners. Gazzetta Medica Italiana - Archivio per le Scienze Mediche, 171 (2), 173-180.
- Wong, K. & Lau, Patrick C. (2012). The impact of outdoor adventure programs in life effectiveness on Hong Kong adolescents. Hong Kong Recreation Review, 24, 3-16.
- Wong, P., Chamari, K., Chaouachi, A, Luk, T.C. & Lau P.W.C. (2011). Heart rate response and match repeated-sprint performance in Chinese elite youth soccer players. Asian Journal of Physical Education & Recreation, 17 (2), 42-49.
- Wong, P., Chaouachi, A., Castagna, C., Lau, W.C., Chamari, K. & Wisloff, U. (2011). Validity of the Yo-Yo Intermittent Endurance Test in young soccer players. European Journal of Sport Science, 11(5), 309-15.
- Lau, Patrick C., Lau, Erica. Y., Wong, Del P., Ransdell, Lynda. (2011). A systematic review of information and communication technology-based interventions for promoting physical activity behavior change in children and adolescents. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 13(3), e48.
- Wong, Del , Chaouachi, A., Lau, Patrick W.C., Behm, David G. (2011). Short durations of static stretching when combined with dynamic stretching do not impair repeated sprints and agility. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 10, 408-416.
- Lau, Patrick C., Lam, Michael H.S. & Leung, Beeto W. C. (2011). The Beijing Olympics and Expressions of National Identity in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. In Kelly, W. W. & Brownell, S. (Eds.), The Olympics in East Asia: Nationalism, Regionalism, and Globalism on the Center Stage of World Sports (CEAS Occasional Monograph Series, Volume 3, Chapter 9, pp 147-160). Council on East Asian Studies, Yale University, Connecticut, USA.
- Wong E. L. C. & Lau, P. W. C. (2011). Marketing factors influence people to participate in “Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2010”. Hong Kong Recreation Review, 23, 4-14.
- Liang, Y & Lau, P. W. C., Choi, Choung-rak. (2011). A Review of Post Game Facilities Use in 2008 Beijing Olympics. Hong Kong Recreation Review, 23, 44-48.
- Lau, Y., Lau, P. W. C. & Wong, P. (2011). Can active video games be used as leisure-time physical activity to enhance physical fitness in healthy children? A preliminary analysis (pp. 107-120). In Powell, M. A. (Eds.), Physical Fitness: Training, Effects, and Maintaining. NY: Nova Science Publisher, Inc.
- Wong, P., Lau, P. W. C., Mao, D. W., Wu, Y. Y., Behm, D. G., & Wisloff, U. (2011). Three days of static stretching within a warm-up does not affect repeated-sprint ability in youth soccer players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 25(3), 838-845.
- Lau, Patrick C. & Lau, Y. Y. (2010). The role of physical activity in the treatment and prevention of anxiety and depression in children: An overview. In Chang, C. H. (Eds.), Sport Psychology: Coping, Performance, and Anxiety (pp. 403-414). NY: Nova Science Publisher, Inc.
- Lau, Patrick C. & Wai, Dora P. Y. (2010) Evaluation and recommendations of Hong Kong health promotion. Asian Journal of Physical Education & Recreation, 16(1), 22-34.
- Lau, Patrick C., Kong, Z., Choi, C., Yu, W. C., Chan, D., Sung, RYT, & Leung, B. W. C. (2010). Effects of short-term resistance training on serum leptin levels in obese adolescents. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 8(1), 54-60.
- Lau, Patrick C., Leung, W. C. Beeto, Ransdell, L. & Wong, P. (2010). The Relationship between Sport Identity and Sport Participation in Overweight and Normal Weight Chinese Children. International Journal of Physical Education, 47(1), 35-42.
- Lau, Patrick C., Wong, P, Chaouachi, A, Coutts, A. Chamari, K, & Luk, TC. (2009). Advanced considerations in strength training: stretching, concurrent training, and monitoring of training load. In Kai, J. T. (Eds.), Strength training: types and principles, benefits, and concerns (pp. 149-169). NY: Nova Science Publisher, Inc.
- Lau, Patrick C., Cheung, Mike W. L., & Ransdell, L. (2009). Intervention study for Chinese overweight children effects on exercise intention and body satisfaction. Bio-Education Journal, 3(1), 23-30.
- Lau, Patrick C., Lam, Michael H. S. & Leung, Beeto W. C. (2009). National Identity and the Beijing Olympics: School Children's Responses in Mainland China, Taiwan & Hong Kong. The Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All---The Universal Value and the development Trend of Civilization (pp.167-181). Peking University Press.
- Yu, Y. & Lau, P. W. C. (2009). The effects of the 2008 Equestrian Olympic Games on the development of Equestrian in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Recreation Review, 21, 22-26.
- Wong, , Mujika, I., Castagna, C., Chamari, K., Lau, P. W. C., & Wisloff, U. (2008). Characteristics of world cup soccer players. Soccer Journal, (Jan-Feb), 57-62.
- Lau P. W. C. & Wong, P. (2008). Parent-child Sport Series: Soccer. Sun Ya Publications (HK) Ltd. (In Chinese).
- Hui, , Lau, P. W. C., Wong, G. W., Yuen, P. Y. & Lam, C. W. (2008). Effect of a school-based intervention program on physical fitness of Chinese children with obesity: The Fun-And-Fit Project. The ICHPER-SD Journal of Research, 3(1), 6-11.
- Lau, Patrick C., Cheung, Mike W. L., & Ransdell, L. (2008). A structural equation model of the relationship between body perception and self-esteem: Global physical self-concept as the mediator. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 9, 493-509.
- Lau, Patrick C., Lee, A. & Ransdell, L. (2007). Parenting style and culture influences on overweight children’s attraction to physical activity. Obesity, 15(9), 2293-2302.
- Lau, Patrick C., Cheung, Mike W. L. & Ransdell, L. (2007). Sport identity and sport participation: A cultural comparison between collective and individualistic societies. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 5, 66-81.
- Lau, P. W. C. (2006). The association between actual fatness, body ratings and appearance perception in children. In Kindes, V. (Eds.), Body image: New research (pp. 229-242). NY: Nova Science Publisher, Inc.
- Lau, Patrick C., Fox, K. R. & Cheung, Mike W. L. (2006). An Analysis of Sport Identity as a Predictor of Children’s Participation in Sport. Pediatric Exercise Science, 18, 415-425.
- Lau, P. W. C. & Yip, T. C. Y. (2006). Childhood obesity in Hong Kong: A developmental perspective and review, 1986-2005. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 4(2), 67-84.
- Hau, K. T., Sung, R. Y. T., Marsh, H. W., Yu, C. W., & Lau, P. W. C. (2005). Factorial structure and comparison between obese and non-obese children’s physical self-con In H. W. Marsh & R. G. Craven & D. M McInerney (Eds.), Advances in self-research (Volume 2) (pp. 257-278). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
- Ransdell, L.B., Detling, N., Hildebrand, K., Lau, P., Moyer-Mileur, L., & Shultz, B. (2005). Can physical activity interventions change perceived exercise benefits and barriers? American Journal of Health Studies,19(4),195-204.
- Lau, P. W. C. & Ransdell, L. (2005). Sport identity, physical self-perception, and physical activity and sport participation of girls and women. In Ransdell, B., & Petlichkoff, L. (Eds.). Ensuring the health of active and athletic girls and women (pp. 295-309). Reston, VA: AAHPERD Publications.
- Lau P. W. C. (2005). Psychological health of obese children. In Chiu, M.Y.L. & Tsun, A.O.K. (Ed.), Mental health for children and adolesc (pp. 79-100). Psychological Publishing Co., Taiwan. (In Chinese)
- Lau P. W. C. (2004). Weight management for children. The Commercial Press, Hong Kong Limi (In Chinese)
- Lau, Patrick C., Cheung, Mike W. L., & Ransdell, L. (2004). Measurement properties of subscales of the Physical Self-Descriptive Questionnaire in Chinese children. In M.K. Chin, L.D. Hensley, P. Cote & S. H. Chen, (Eds.), Global Perspectives in the Integration of Physical Activity, Sports, Dance and Exercise Science in Physical Education: From Theory to Practice (pp. 439-446). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
- Lau, Patrick C., Yu, C. W., Lee, A., & Sung, R.Y. T. (2004).The Physiological and Psychological Effects of Resistance Training on Chinese Obese Adolescents. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 2 (2), 115-120.
- Lau, Patrick C., Fox, K. R. & Cheung, Mike W. L. (2004). Psychosocial and socio-environmental correlates of sport identity and sport participation in secondary school-age children. European Journal of Sport Science, 4(3),1-21.
- Lau, Patrick C., Yu, C. W., Lee, A., So, Raymond C. H., & Sung, R.Y. T. (2004). The relationship among physical fitness, physical education, conduct and academic performance of Chinese primary school children. International Journal of Physical Education, 41(1), 17-26.
- Lu, K., Quach, B., Tong, T. K. & Lau, PatrickC. (2004). Validation of leg-to-leg bio-impedance analysis for assessing body composition in obese Chinese adolescents. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 1 (2), 97-103.
- Lau, Patrick C., Lee, A., Ransdell, L., Yu, C. W. & Sung, R.Y. T. (2004). The association between global self-esteem, physical self-concept and actual versus ideal body size rating in Chinese primary school children. International Journal of Obesity, 28 (2), 314-319.
- Wong, H. & Lau, P. W. C. (2004). Examination of participants’ perceptions with attributes of public water sports center. Hong Kong Recreation Review, 16, 28-38.
- Lau, W. C. & Leung, W. C. (2003). Parental influences towards Chinese children's physical activity participation. Education Research Journal, Vol.18 (1), pp.17-40.
- Sung, Rita Y. T., Tong, Peter C. Y., Yu, C. W., Lau, Patrick C., Mok Geoffery T. F., Yam M. C., Lam Peggo K. W. Chan Juliana C. N. (2003). High prevalence of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome in overweight/obese preadolescent Hong Kong Chinese children aged 9-12 years. Diabetes Care, Vol. 26 (1), pp. 250-251.
- Lau Patrick C., Sung, Y. T., Yu, C. W., & Lam, K. W. (2003). The physiological and fitness effects of resistance training in Chinese obese adolescents. In Macao Sport Development Board (Eds.), International Seminar on Physical Fitness and Health Development of Infant and Young Child (pp. 110-115). Macao Sport Development Board, Macao SAR.
- Lau P. W. C. (2003). Influences of exercise to obese children. In Fu, F. & Yeung, S. Y. (Ed.), scientific principles of exercise and fitness (pp. 271-290). Commercial Press, Hong Kong Limi (In Chinese)
- Lau P. W. C. (2003). Sport and society. In Wong, S. H. S. (Ed.), Exercise for health (pp. 195-231). Ming Pao Publish (In Chinese)
- Lau, W. C. (2001). Growth and maturation: The Connection with Physical Activity to Obese Children. Journal of Physical Education & Recreation (Hong Kong), 7 (1): 42-48.
- Sung, Y. T., Lau W. C., Yu, C. W., & Lam, K. W. (2001). Measurement of body fat using leg to leg bio-impedance. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 85:263-267.
- Hui, S.C., Chan, W.S., Wong, H.S.S., Wong, G.W.K., Lau, W.C. (2001). Evaluation of skinfolds measurement in estimating body fat of Chinese children. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(5) (supplement), S244, #1369.
- Hui, C., Wong, H.S., Wong, W.K., & Lau, W.C. (2001). Evaluation of body composition measurement in Chinese children. Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport, 72 (supplement), A40.
- Hui, S.C., Wong, S.H.S., Lau, W.C., & Wong, G.W.K. (2001). Cross-validation of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis for Estimation of Body Fat in Chinese Children Age 8 to In M.K. Chin, L.D. Hensley, & Y.K. Liu, (Eds.), Innovation and Application of Physical Education and Sports Science in the New Millennium An Asia-Pacific Perspective (pp. 487-492). Tai Po, Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
- Hui, C., Wong, H.S., Wong, W.K., & Lau, W.C. (2000). Validity of 1-mile walk test in predicting aerobic capacity of Chinese children age 8 to 13. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 32(5) (supplement),
- S318, #1595.
- Hui, S.C., Lau, W. C., Yuen, P. Y. (2000). Fat-Fun-Fit Project: Effects of a school-based weight loss intervention program in Hong Kong children. Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport, 71 (supplement), A39-40.
- Lau, W. C. (2000) Childhood Obesity: A case from the Fun & Fit weight management program. Care: Frisocare’s Journal on Infant Nutrition, 1: 8-9.
- Lau, W. C. (1999) Childhood obesity. Care: Frisocare’s Journal on Infant Nutrition, 1: 8-9.
- Lau, P. W. (1998). Sport and Society. The School-based Curriculum Project Scheme, Curriculum Development Institute, Education Department, H. K.
- Ha, A., & Lau P. W. C. (1995). Teaching of health and fitness. Wide Angle Press Limi (In Chinese)
Peer Reviewed Conference Papers
- Song, H. Q., Zhang, B., Wang, J. J. & Lau, Patrick W.C. (4th- 5th December 2021, online mode). Intervention effects of acute and chronic exercise on cognitive function in preschool children: A meta-analysi 7th HKASMSS Student Conference on Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation and Exercise Science 2021 cum AFSM Scientific Symposium 2021, Hong Kong, China.
- Huang X., & Lau Patrick C. (3rd - 6th December 2021, online mode). A historical review of the development of gender equality policy in the Olympic Movement. 2021 International Conference on Sport History and Culture, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, China.
- Wu Wen., & Lau, Patrick C. (15th – 21st April 2021, online mode). Policy analysis of Hong Kong elite sport development: Multiple streams framework perspective. The 16th World Leisure Hybrid Congress, Beijing, China.
- Lau, Patrick C., Wang J.J., Huang W.Y.J., Maddison R., & Wang H. J. (28th – 30th Oct. 2020, online mode). Investigation of environmental impacts on university student’s physical activity participation by crowd sourcing method in mobile technology. 25th Annual Congress of European College of Sport Science, Seville, Spain.
- Song H.Q., Lau, Patrick C., Wang J.J. (8th – 22th Sep. 2020, online mode). Motor skills assessments in preschool children: a review. The 2020 Yokohama Sport Conference, Yokohama, Japan.
- Wu Wen., & Lau, Patrick C. (8th – 22nd Sep. 2020, online mode). From Zero to Hero: The Development of Elite Cycling in Hong Kong. The 2020 Yokohama Sport Conference, Yokohama, Japan.
- Lau, Patrick C., Zhai, L, Liu, B., Li, Y., Yuan, Q. & Tan, F. (8th - 22nd Sept. 2020, online mode). How does augmented reality (AR) produce an added valued to the younger children’s learning in sport and games. The 2020 Yokohama Sport Conference, Yokohama, Japan. Huang, X., Tan, T., & Lau, P.W.C. (8th - 22th Sep. 2020, online mode). The Olympic Movement and gender equality in Chinese sport governing bodies. The 2020 International Sport Science Conference, Yokohama, Japan.
- Huang, X. Tan, T. & Lau P.W.C. (16th -17th May 2020, online mode). The review of the Olympic Movement and gender equality in Chinese sport governing bodi International Conference of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Song, H., Lau, P.W.C. & Wang, J. J. (25th – 28th 2019). Motor skills assessments in preschool children: a review. Second World Congress, International Association of Sport and Play for Young Children (IASAPYC), Shanghai, China.
- Huang, , Tan, T., & Lau, P.W.C. (20th - 23th Sep. 2019). The development of Chinese women's elite sport under the background of globalisation: The case of the Olympic Movement. International Conference of Sport History and Culture, Jinhua, China.
- Zhen C, Lau P.W.C. & Zheng JM. (3rd-6th, September 2019). An Analysis of Elite Sport Policy Processes of Winter Olympic Sports in China. 27th EASM European Sport Management Conferen Sevilla, Spain.
- Wu, W. & Lau W.C. (24th-27th, April 2019). A Policy Analysis of Elite Sport Development in Hong Kong. 2019 ISSA World Congress of Sociology of Sport, Dunedin, New Zealand.
- Wu, W. & Lau, P.W.C. (3rd-8th, September 2018). An Analysis of the Policy Process of Elite Sport Development in Hong Kong and Policy Transfer from Mainland Chin EASM 2018 The European Sport Management Conference, Malmo, Sweden.
- Lau, Patrick C. (28th Aug. - 1st Sept. 2018). Policy study of the opening of school sport facilities to community use. 15th World Leisure Congress, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- Wang, J. J., Lau, PWC. (4th-7th July, 2018). Physical activity as a mediator of the associations between perceived physical environments and adiposity in Chinese youth. 23rd Annual Congress of European College of Sport Science,Dublin, Irelan
- Lau, Patrick C. & Wang J. J. (9th-12th May 2018). Intervention study of Active Video Games on intellectual disabled children’s physical activity level, motor ability and physical fitness. The First International Forum on Young Children and Sport, Peking University, Beijing China.
- Lau, Patrick C. & Zheng, J. M. (10-12th June 2017). 香港與中國大陸體育運動交流的分析. 创新合 作:“一带一路”下香港的功能定位与转型学术研讨会, Guangzhou, China.
- Lau, PWC., Wang, J. J. & Gao, Y. (16-20 Nov. 2016). Investigation of childhood obesity and its correlates among primary school students aged 6-11 years in Hong Kong. The 6th International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health, Bangkok, Thailan
- Lau, , Pitkethly, A. J., Leung, BWC., Lau, Erica Y., Choi Cheong-rak & Kim, C. G. (9 - 15 July 2016). Integrating SMS into PA intervention for Hong Kong Chinese adolescents: The effects of SMS delivery frequency and timing. The Conference of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Lau, PWC. & Wang, X. (26 June - 1 July 2016). Sport volunteerism: an exploratory study on volunteering motivations among Chinese university studen The 2016 LARASA World Leisure Organization Congress, Durban, South Africa.
- Wang J. & Lau PWC. (5th-7th, August 2015). Applicability of a serious videogame with story immersion for childhood obesity prevention among Hong Kong Chinese children. 2015 International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Social Science, Taiwan.
- Lau, PWC., Zhang, S. & Maddison, R. (6th - 9th May, 2015). The effect of a school-based active video game intervention on children’s aerobic fitness, physical activity level, and exercise-related psychological variables: a preliminary RCT trial. The 22nd European Congress on Obesity, Prague, Czech Republi
- Lau, PWC. & Wong C. (9th - 12th July, 2014). Historical Development of Physical Self-concept in Chinese. ISSA World Congress of Sociology of Sport 2014, Peking University, Beijing, China.
- Lau, PWC. & Wang, J. (21st-24th May, 2014). School children’s perception towards active video games and its potential values to school physical education. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2014 Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, USA.
- Liang, Y., & Lau, P.W.C. (27-31 May, 2014). Validity and Reliability of a Translated Physical Activity Self-Efficacy Scale among Hong Kong Children. American College of Sports Medicine's 61st Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA.
- Liang, Y., & Lau, P. W. C. (21-24 May, 2014). Validity and Reliability of Translated Questionnaires Measuring Physical Activity Enjoyment and Social Support among Hong Kong Chinese Children. The 2014 Annual Conference of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, San Diego, USA.
- Pitkethly, A. & Lau, (21-24 May, 2014). Self-regulated learning and its association with self-report leisure-time physical activity among Hong Kong Chinese Adolescents. Paper presented at the ISBNPA conference, San Diego, California.
- Wang, J. J., Lau, PWC, Zhang, Z. (17th-20th March, 2014). The effects of video games-based intervention on children’s obesity-related behaviors: A revi 12th International Congress on Obesity, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Liang, , Lau, P.W.C., Maddison, R. (26-28 May, 2013). Study Protocol: An Investigation into the Effectiveness of an Active Video Game Intervention to Promote Physical Activity in Hong Kong Chinese School Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial. ISBNPA Post-Conference Satellite 2013: Integration of individual and environmental approaches to changing population-level physical activity behaviour, Cambridge UK.
- Lau, Patrick C. (21-25 May, 2013). A pilot study of attractive features in Children’s active video games. The 2013 Annual Conference of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Ghent, Belgium.
- Liang, , Lau, Patrick W. C. & Lau, Y. Y. (2-4 Nov 2012). Evaluation of the Energy Expenditure and Cardiovascular Response of Exergames Playing in Hong Kong Children. The 11th SCSEPF Annual Conference. The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai, China.
- Pitkethly, A. & Lau, P. W C. (2 - 4 November, 2012). A review of the literature: Self-regulation and physical activity interventions with children. 11th Annual Conference of the Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness. Shanghai, China.
- Lau, Patrick C., Liang, Y. & Lau, Y. Y. (20th-21st Oct 2012). A pilot study on choosing active video games (AVGs) for physical activity (PA) intervention based on flow experiences of AVGs playing in Hong Kong children. 2012 International Conference on Youth, Technology & Health, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China.
- Lau, Patrick C., Wong, P. & Liang, Y. (19th-24th July 2012). Effects of high intensity intermittent running exercise on obese individual. International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
- Liang Y. & Lau P.W.C. (23rd-26th May, 2012). Active Video Game (a): A Potential Physical Activity (PA) Intervention Tool for School Children in Exercise Motivation and Fitness. The 2012 Annual Conference of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Austin, USA.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. & Leung, Beeto W. (18th May 2012). The associations between exercise identity, national identity and the perception of human Olympics in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The 2012 International Olympic Seminar:“The Cultural Convergence and Positioning of East Asia in the Global Development of Olympism” Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China.
- Leung, Beeto W. & Lau, Patrick W. C. (18th May 2012). The sustainable effect of Olympism in Hong Kong after 2008 Beijing Olympics. The 2012 International Olympic Seminar: “The Cultural Convergence and Positioning of East Asia in the Global Development of Olympism” Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China.
- Lau, Patrick W. C., Chan, E., & Leung, Beeto W. C. (4th -7th Nov. 2011). Investigation on the service quality of camp site in Hong Kong water sport center. International Camping Congress Hong Kong 2011, Hong Kong, China.
- Lau, P.W.C. & Lau, E.Y. (21st -23rd June, 2011). Evaluating the exercise intensity of a China invented active video game in Chinese children: The I-Dong. The 2011 satellite Meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity: New paradigms to improve physical activity and nutrition, Queenstown, New Zealand.
- Lau, P. W. C., Lau, E. Y., & Chung, P. K. (11th -15th July 2010). A pilot study of a web site plus SMS motivator system to physical activity behaviour change in Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. The 11th International Congress of Obesity, Stockholm, Sweden, p. 306.
- Lau, E. Y., Lau, P. W. C. & Chung, P. K. (11th -15th July 2010). The impact of using a website, email and SMS intervention to promote physical activity in Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. The 11th International Congress of Obesity, Stockholm, Sweden, p. 470.
- Lau, Y., Lau, P.W.C. (16th -19th July 2010). Can active video games improve physical fitness in children? The 9th SCSEPF Annual Conference. The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness, Beijing Sport University, Beijing, China. P.126-127.
- Pei XM, Tam SK, Lau PW, Wong SH, and Siu PM. (19th June 2010). The use of NSAID is associated with self-reported running performance in recreational Marathon runners. Proceeding of the 3rd Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science (HKASMSS) Student Conference on Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation and Exercise Science, Hong Kong, China, p.8-9.
- Lau, Y., Lau, P.W.C. (25th – 28th May. 2010). Association among perceived benefits and perceived barriers and physical activity level in Hong Kong Chinese The 3rd International Conference of Physical Education and Sports Science, Singapore, p.192.
- Leung, B. W. C., Ho, S. M. Y. & Lau, P. W. C. (5th Sept. 2009). Hope, Bullying Experiences and Psychological Well-being in adolescents–the Potential Moderation Role of Hope. World Mental Health Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health 2009, The Society of Preventive Psychiatry, the Hellenic Psychiatric Association, and the World Federation for Mental Health, Athen, Greece.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. & Leung, Beeto W. C. (12th -14th Aug. 2009). Investigation of physical education teachers’ attitude towards overweight students when contrasting with general population in Chinese community. The 8th SCSEPF Annual Conference. The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness, Hong Kong, China.
- Lau, Y. Y., Lau, P. W. C. & Chung, P. K. (12th -14th Aug. 2009). Evaluation of web-based vs. web-based plus email reminder physical activity intervention in Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. The 8th SCSEPF Annual Conference. The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness, Hong Kong, China.
- Lau, Y. Y., Lau, P. W. C. & Chung, P. K. (17th – 20th Jun. 2009). Development and feasibility of using SMS to promote physical activity in Chinese adolescents. International Society of Behavioral, Nutrition and Physical Activity 2009 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Lau, Y. Y., Lau, P. W. C. & Leung, Beeto W. C. (13th – 16th Nov. 2008). The association between body mass index, physical activity, and mental health in Hong Kong children and adolescents. International Conference of Childhood Obesity 2008, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
- Lau, P. W. C., Wong, P., Luk, T. C. & Lau, Y. Y. (17th – 19th Oct. 2008). The impact of physical environment on Chinese students’ physical activity participation and attitude in Hong Kon The 7th SCSEPF Annual Conference. The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness, Chengdu, China.
- Lau, Y. Y. & Lau, P. W. C. (17th – 19th 2008). Evaluation of a stage-based physical activity promotion website: preference of Chinese adolescents. The 7th SCSEPF Annual Conference. The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness, Chengdu, China.
- Lau, Patrick W. , Lam, Michael H. S. & Leung, Beeto W. C. (3rd – 5th Oct. 2008). National Identity and the Beijing Olympics: School Children's Responses in Hong Kong (Phase II). An International Symposium: The Olympics in East Asia---Nationalism, Regionalism and Globalism on the Center Stage of World Sports, Council on East Asian Studies, Yale University, USA.
- Leung, Beeto W. C., Ho, Samuel Y. & Lau, Patrick W. C. (11th – 14th June 2008). The role of teasing on adolescents' body esteem: A preliminary report. The 6th Chinese Psychologist Conference. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
- Lau, Patrick W. , Lam, Michael H. S. & Leung, Beeto W. C. (14th – 16th March 2008). National Identity and the Beijing Olympics: School Children's Responses in Mainland China, Taiwan & Hong Kong. International conference: The Olympics in East Asia---Nationalism, Regionalism and Globalism on the Center Stage of World Sports, Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
- Lau, P. W. C. & Lau, Y. Y. (8th -11th Jan 2008). A review of using internet website, email and short message services (SMS) to promote health behaviour change in children and adolescen 17th International Play Association World Conference, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China.
- Lau, P. W. , Yip, T. C. Y., Wong, P. & Luk, T. C. (14th – 16th Dec. 2007). Childhood obesity development in modern China: A Western influence? The 6th SCSEPF Annual Conference. The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness, Guangzhou, China.
- Wong, P., Lau, P. W. , Luk, T. C., Chamari, K., & Wisloff, U. (14th – 16th Dec. 2007). Fitness profile of Chinese elite youth soccer players. The 6th SCSEPF Annual Conference. The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness, Guangzhou, China.
- Luk, T. C., Wong, P. & Lau, P. W. C. (14th – 16th 2007). Relationship between heart rate and oxygen consumption among Chinese elite youth soccer players. The 6th SCSEPF Annual Conference. The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness, Guangzhou, China.
- Lau, Y. Y., Wong, H. S., Huang, Y. J. & Lau, P. W. C. (14th – 16th De 2007). The reliability and validity of a self-reported instrument: Children’s Physical Activity Questionnaire. The 6th SCSEPF Annual Conference. The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness, Guangzhou, China.
- Lam, H. S. & Lau, P. W. C. (14th – 16th Dec. 2007). An exploration on the perceived learning environment of mini rugby football players in Hong Kong. The 6th SCSEPF Annual Conference. The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness, Guangzhou, China.
- Lau, P. W. C. (16th – 17th Nov. 2007). Psychosocial impacts of childhood obesity & the role of physical activiti New Horizons in Nutrition & Public Health, 10 Anniversary Symposium of Centre for Nutritional Studies, School of Public Health, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
- Lau, P. W. , Cheung M.W.L., Ransdell, L., Wong, P. & Luk, T. C. (16th – 17th Nov. 2007). Chinese children’s pedometer-determined physical activity patterns during the segmented school day. New Horizons in Nutrition & Public Health, 10 Anniversary Symposium of Centre for Nutritional Studies, School of Public Health, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. & Chen, L. (15th – 17th 2007). The perceptions to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games among college students in China. In X. Y. Li, (Eds.), The Olympic Games and the Development of Sport (pp. 164-171). Instituto Politecnico de Macau, Macau, China
- Lau, Patrick W. & Lam, Michael H. S. (15th – 17th Oct. 2007). Beijing Olympic 2008: A quest of the national identity for Hong Kong children. In X. Y. Li, (Eds.), The Olympic Games and the Development of Sport (pp. 172-183). Instituto Politecnico de Macau, Macau, China.
- Lau, P. W. C. (18th –21st A 2007). The potential impact of Chinese traditional concepts of sport, physical self and health on the Olympism. From Greece to China: West meets East through Sport Multiculturalism in the Olympic Movement, Beijing, China.
- Wong, P., Lau, P. W. C. & Luk, T. C. (3rd – 7th July 2007). Relative maximal oxygen consumption correlates with Hoff test and YoYo test among Chinese elite youth soccer play The 2007 Conference of National Physical Fitness, Macao, China.
- Lau, P. W. C & Cheung, W.L. (9th –11th Feb. 2007). Intervention study for Chinese overweight children—effects on exercise behavior and physical self satisfaction. The 4th Asia-Oceania Conference on Obesity, Seoul, Korea.
- Lau, P. W. C. & Cheung, W.L. (25th –27th Oct. 2006).The influence of body ratings to peer relationships and physical self-concept in Chinese primary children. The 5th SCSEPF Annual Conference. The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness, Tianjin, China.
- Lau, P. W. , Fox, K. R. & Cheung, M.W.L. (5th – 8th July 2006). A Longitudinal Study of Sport Identity as a Mediator of Children’s Participation in Sport. The 11th Annual Congress of European College of Sport Science, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Lau, P. W. , Cheung M.W.L. & Ransdell, L. (16 – 19 Dec. 2005). Sport Identity and Sport Participation: A Cultural Comparison between Collective and Individualistic Societies. The 4th SCSEPF Annual Conference. The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness, Taiwan.
- Lau, P. W. C. & Cheung W.L. (29 Oct. – 1 Nov. 2004). The effects of resistance training on obese adolescents’ physical activity level and physical self-perception. The 3rd SCSEPF Annual Conference. The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness, Sozhow, China.
- Lau P. W. , Sung, Y. T., Yu, C. W., Lee, A. (8/2004). The physiological and psychological effects of resistance training on Chinese obese adolescents. International Conference on Exercise Science: Negative events in the life cycle: Recreation & leisure as a counteraction, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.
- Lau, P. W. C., Cheung M.W.L. & Ransdell, L. (7-2004).Measurement properties of subscales of the Physical Self-Descriptive Questionnaire in Chinese children. The II International Conference for Physical Educators (ICPE 2004), The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.
- Lau, P. W. C., Leung B.W.C. & Ransdell, L. (4-2004). Sport Identity and Sport Participation: A Comparison between Obese and Non-obese Children. The Australian Association of Exercise and Sports Science Inaugural Conference 2004, Brisbane, Australi
- Lau, P. W. , Quach, B., Lu, K. & Tong, K. K. (10-2003). Body composition measurement in Chinese obese adolescents: BIA vs. DEXA. The 2nd SCSEPF Annual Conference, The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness. Macao.
- Lau, P. W. & Kong, Z. W. (10-2003). Leptin concentrations after 6-week resistance training in obese
- adolescen The 2nd SCSEPF Annual Conference, The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness. Macao.
- Lau P. W. C., Sung, Y. T., Yu, C. W., Lam, K. W. (9/2003). The physiological and fitness effects of resistance training in Chinese obese adolescen International Seminar on Physical Fitness and Health Development of Infant and Young Child. Macao Sport Development Board, Macao SAR.
- Lau, W. C. & Lee, A. (6/2003). The associations between global esteem, physical self-concept and body rating in Chinese primary school children. The 4th Congress of Sport Psychology of ASPASP, Seoul, K
- Lau, W. C. & Lee, A. (10/2002). Parental influences on Chinese obese children’s attraction to physical activity. International Sports Science Conference: Health Promotion, Wellness and Leisure: Major Components of Quality of Lif 5th – 6th, Oct. 2002. Hong Kong Baptist University. Hong Kong, China.
- Hau, K. T., Sung, R. Y. T., Yu, C. W. & Lau, W. (8/2002). Factorial structure and comparison between obese and non-obese Chinese children’s physical concept. Paper presented in Self-concept Enhancement & Learning Facilitation (SELF) Biennial International Conference, Sydney, Australia.
- Lau, P. W. C. & Leung, B. W. C. (7/2002). Parental influences towards Chinese children’s physical activity participation. The 7th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Greece.
- Guldan GS, Au Yeung KM, Wan CW, Choi KY, Chui KH, Chiu HY, Chee YO, Chow CB, Lau WC, Ma K, Yiu N, Ho WSK. (4/2002). Combating obesity among Hong Kong Primary and Secondary Students: The FUN-IN-SEVEN Program. Presented at the symposium and workshop “Forging Effective Strategies for Prevention and Management of Overweight and Obesity in Asia: Research Education Partnerships”, Organized by ILSI, Sin
- Guldan GS, Au Yeung KM, Wan CW, Choi KY, Chui KH, Chiu HY, Chee YO, Chow CB, Lau WC, Ma K, Yiu N, Ho WSK. (2/2002). Fighting childhood obesity in Hong Kon Presented at the 2002 National Leadership Conference to Strengthen HIV/AIDS Education and Coordinated School Health Programs, Washington DC.
- Lau, W. C. (6/2001). Health Tutoring Intervention on Overweight School Children: A Family Monitoring Approach. Asian Pacific Conference on Health Promotion, 2001, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kon
- Au Yeung KM, Guldan GS, Choi KY, Chee YO, Yiu SP, Ho SK, Lau WC, Ma K, Chiu HY, Chui KH, Chow CB. (11/2001). School-based healthy lifestyle promotion for primary school students improves student knowledge, attitudes, and practices: the "FUN-IN-SEVEN” Programm Presented at the 5th Annual Nutrition Symposium, Center for Nutritional Studies, CUHK, Hong Kong.
- Wan CW, Guldan GS, Choi KY, Chee YO, Yiu SP, Ho SK, Lau WC, Ma K, Chiu HY, Chui KH, Chow CB. (11/2001). Did the “Fun-In-Seven” healthy lifestyle and physical activity promotion have a positive impact on our Hong Kong adolescents’ knowledge, attitudes, and behavior? Presented at the 5th Annual Nutrition Symposium, Center for Nutritional Studies, CUHK, Hong Kong.
- Sung, Y. T. & Lau, W. C. (10/2000). Measurement of Body Fat Using Bio-impedance Method in Children. First Asian Congress of Paediatric Nutrition, Thailand.
- Lau, W. , Hui, S.C., Wong, W.K., Yuen, P. Y. (7/2000). Behavior Modification for Obese Children in Hong Kong: A Fun & Fit Approach. International Conference for Physical Educators: Innovation and Application of Physical Education and Sports Science in the Next Millennium --- An Asia-Pacific Perspective, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.
- Hui, S.C., Wong, H.S., Wong, W.K., Lau, W. C. (4/2000). Validity of 1-mile Walk Test in Predicting Aerobic Capacity of Chinese Children Age 8 to 13. The American College of Sports Medicine 47th meeting, USA.
- Lau, W. & Fox, K. (11/1999). Sport Identity and Sport Participation in Hong Kong children. The 3rd International Congress Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology (ASPASP) Sport Psychology: East Meets West, China.
- Lau, W. (6/1999). Fun & Fit: Weight Control Program for Obese Children in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Childhood Obesity Seminar 1999, Department of Sports Science & Physical Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Wong, S. & Lau, W. C. (4/1999). Physiological characteristics of universiade female swimmers. The XIIIth FINA World Sports Medicine Congress: Aquatic Sports Medicine for New Century, Hong Kong.
- Lau, W. & Fox, K. (11/1998). Sport Identity And Participation In School Children. The 13th Asian Games Scientific Congress, Thailand.
- Lau, W. C. & Chan, M. (4/1998). The Influence of Parental Attitude to Physical Activity during Childhood on their Children’s Attitude towards Physical Activity. The Research Symposium 98, Teaching and Coaching in Sports and Physical Education, Department of Sports and Physical Education, CUHK, Hong Kong.
- Lau, W. C. (11/1997). An Investigation of Social Factors for Sport Participation of School Children. The 14th Annual Conference of The Hong Kong Educational Research Association, Hong Kong.
- Lau, W. C. (11/1996) Social-psychological Determinants of School Children’ s Sport Participation. The 13th Annual Conference of The Hong Kong Educational Research Association, Hong Kong.
- Chan, C. M., Lau, W. & Louie, L. H. L. (11/1991). The Effect of Imagery as a Goal-Setting Devise in Weight Training. The 1st Asian South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology International Congress, Australia.
Invited Lectures/Keynotes
- Lau, Patrick W. (17th Feb. 2022). Reach & Response: A magical presentation to globalization from the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Winter Olympics: Beijing spirit and global implications, International Seminar on Beijing Winter Olympic Games, National Academy of Development and Strategy (NADS), Renmin University of China, Beijing , China.
- Lau, Patrick W. , Zhen, C. & Zheng, J. (4th Dec. 2021). How Can the United Kingdom’s Elite Sport Success Inspire Elite Sport Policy in Hong Kong: The Cases of Cycling, Swimming and Taekwondo. 2021 International Conference on Sport History and Culture, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, China.
- Lau, Patrick W. (18th May 2019). Active teacher and younger children’s health, 2019 Younger Children and Physical Education Advanced Forum, Peking University, Beijing, China.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (10th May 2019). The Use of Mobile phone app in younger children’s movement analysis, Guiyang Kindergarten Teacher Training Institute, Guizhou, Chin
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (17th Jan. 2019). Review of kindergarten children’s physical fitness and motor ability. Research Seminar on Kindergarten children’s health and research development, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, Chin
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (10th 2018). Effectiveness of active video games intervention on promoting physical activity among Hong Kong Chinese normal children and intellectual disabled children. Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition, Deakin University, Australia.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (26th 2018). Effectiveness of active video games usage on intellectual disabled children’s body composition, physical activity level and motor ability. The 1st World Congress, International Association of Sport and Play for Young Children (IASAPYC), Springfield College, USA.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (22nd 2018). Intervention study of active video games on intellectual disabled children’s physical activity level, motor ability and physical fitness. Institute of Child & Adolescent Health, School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing, China.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (12th July 2018). Media-based interventions to increase physical activity in Chinese youth. Public Health Symposium of Stanford Center at Peking University, Beijing, Chin
- Lau, Patrick W. (8th 9th June 2018). Nutrition, physical activity and health in early life. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity(ISBNPA)Satellite Meeting, Beijing, China.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (13th Nov. 2017). A review of the effective features of Facebook in social media-based interventions to increase adolescents’ physical activity. Asian Youth Sport Symposium Singapore 2017, Physical Education & Sports Science, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Sin
- Lau, Patrick W. (26th Oct. 2017). The development of elite sports in Hong Kong. 2017 International Forum for Sport, Olympics and International Development, College of Physical Education, National Taiwan Sport University, Taiwan.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (5th 2016). Preventing Obesity in Pre-school Children. The 12th Asian Society of Physical Education of Young Children Conference, Guangzhou, China.
- Lau, Patrick W. (24th Nov. 2016). Olympic Games & its impacts on society, Department of Geography, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (26th May 2016). Olympic studies and children physical activity intervention in the 21st century. School of Kinesiology and Health, Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, Beijing, Chin
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (18th 2015). The UNESCO International Conference 2015: Development of youth through sports activities: theory and practice, Seoul, Korea.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (9th De 2014). The Role of Physical Activity in the Promotion of Mental Health. The 60th Anniversary Symposium on Mental Health: Is depression preventable? Mental Health Association of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (12th Nov 2014). Research Method: How to identify research topic and maximize the benefits of literature revi Institute of Child and Adolescent Health, Peking University, Beijing, China.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (9th Nov 2014). Sport & Technology: Effects of Active Video Games on Promoting Physical Activity among Local Children. Hong Kong Science Museum, Hong Kong.
- Lau, Patrick W. & Liang Y. (25th Oct 2014). Evaluating Physical and Perceptual Responses to Exergames in Normal-Weight and Overweight Children. The 20th Anniversary of KSSPE International Conference, Korean Society for the Study of Physical Education, Seoul, South Korea.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. & Liang Y. (21st Aug 2014). Effects of Active Video Game Intervention on Promoting Physical Activity among Hong Kong Chinese Children. The 2014 Incheon Asian Games International Sport Science Congress, Seoul, South
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (14th Feb 2014). The role of physical education for healthy lif The 5th KSSPE International Conference, Korean Society for the Study of Physical Education, Seoul, South Korea.
- Lau, Patrick W. (23rd Nov 2013). Intervention study of Active Video Games on sedentary children’s aerobic fitness, physical activity level and exercise-related self-efficacy. Seminar of Graduate Institute of Physical Education, National Taiwan Sport University, Taiwan.
- Lau, Patrick W. (18th Jan 2013). Promoting physical activity by behavior modification in Hong Kong school children. The 4th International Forum of Children & Adolescent’s Health (2013), School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing, China.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (17th Nov. 2012). Golf tourism and Olympi The 1st International Symposium on 2016 Olympics and World Golf Industry, Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (23rd – 25th May 2012). Sport tourism: the 21st century development & its impact to society. The 12th World University Taekwondo Championship 2012, Korean University Sports Board, Pocheon, South K
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (16h –18th Feb. 2012). Children’s pedometer-determined commuting behaviors and physical activity patterns during the segmented school day in Hong Kon The International KSSPE Conference on PA after school, Korean Society for the Study of Physical Education, Namseoul University, Seoul, South Korea.
- Lau, Patrick W.C. (18th-23rd 2011).The impact and potential value of Active Video Games on the School PE. Hokkaido University of Education, Hokkaido, Japan.
- Lau, Patrick W. (9th Dec. 2011). Information and Communication Technology & Children’s Physical Activity Behavioral Modification. Beijing Sports University, Beijing, China.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (8th De 2011). A pilot study of a web site plus SMS motivator system to physical activity behaviour change in Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (6th 2011). Information and Communication Technology & Children’s Physical Activity Behavioral Modification. Fu Dan University, Shanghai, China.
- Lau, Patrick W. (9th Nov. 2011). The government delivery system of children sport in Hong Kong community. National Taiwan Sport University, Taiwan.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. & Lau Eri Y. (22-23 May 2011). A systematic review of ICT-based interventions for promoting physical activity behavior change in children and adolescents. The 3rd Peking University International Forum of Sport, Society and Culture----Sport and People’s Well Being. Peking University, Beijing, China.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. & Leung, Beeto W. C. (11th 2010). The impact and potential value of Active Video Games on school Physical Education. Symposium on Physical Activity: the Challenges for Schools and Communities. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Lau, Patrick W. & Qi, Christine X. Q. (30th April--- 1 May 2010). Development of Sport Tourism in Hong Kong. The 2010 Daejeon Tourism Promotion Forum & Workshop, Daejeon, Korea.
- Lau, Patrick W. (25th -27th Sept. 2009). National Identity and the Beijing Olympics: The longitudinal changes of school children's responses in Mainland China, Taiwan & Hong Kong. The 1st International Conference for the Sociology of Sport, Taiwan.
- Lau, Patrick W. (27th -29th Aug. 2009). Review of recreation and sport development in Hong Kong. The 5th Chun Cheon International Leisure Symposium: Leisure industry and local development. Hallym College, Chun Cheon, Korea.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (8th -9th Nov 2008). Olympic Spirit & World Harmony: National Identity and the Beijing Olympics: School Children's Responses in Hong Kon Beijing Forum 2008, Peking University, Beijing, China.
- Lau, Patrick W. & Leung, Beeto W. C. (18th Oct. 2008). Active parent for active kids. 6th Health Professional Conference of World Cancer Research Foundation, Hong Kong.
- Lau, Patrick W. C., Lam, Michael S. & Leung, Beeto W. C. (3rd – 5th Oct. 2008). National Identity and the Beijing Olympics: School Children's Responses in Hong Kong (Phase II). An International Symposium: The Olympics in East Asia---Nationalism, Regionalism and Globalism on the Center Stage of World Sports, Council on East Asian Studies, Yale University, New Haven, USA.
- Lau, Patrick W. (24th - 28th March 2008). National identity and 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Da-Yeh University, Taiwan.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (20th-27th July, 2006). The 7th International Session for Educators and Officials of higher Institutes of Physical Education, International Olympic Academy, Ancient Olympia, Greece.
- Lau, Patrick W. C. (20th - 24th Feb. 2006). Childhood obesity and parental influen Hokkaido University of Education, Hokkaido, Japan.
External Grants
- Song, Y., Ma, J., Stafford, R.S. & Lau, P.W.C. (2021). Research title: Battling China’s Childhood Myopia Epidemic: A pragmatic prevention strategy using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research Funding body: China Medical Board. HK$624,000 (1/2022-12/2024).
- Wang J. J. & Lau, W. C. (2019). Influences of objective and subjective built environments on physical activity and health-related fitness in migrant children in Beijing (客观与主观建成环境对北京市流动儿童身体活动 与体质健康的影响研究)Funding Body: Fundamental Research Funds for the China Institute of Sport Science (国家科技部公益类科 研院所专项基金), RMB$320,000
- 宋逸, 刘永松, 余小鸣, 冯强. (2019). “健康中国 2030”视域下学生体力活动指南开发——基于大数据分 析和定性研究, Funding Body: Ministry of Education, China, RMB$100,000.
- Lau , W. C., Zheng, J. M., De Bosscher, V. & Houlihan, B. (2019). How Can the United Kingdom’s Elite Sport Success Inspire Elite Sport Policy in Hong Kong: The Cases of Cycling, Swimming and Taekwondo.Funding Body: Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, HK$601,432.
- Wang J, Wang M, Zhang Y, Gan Y, Lau PWC, Gao Y. Associations among social media use, exercise, sedentary behavior, and mental health in college students. Funding body: Fundamental Research Funds for the China Institute of Sport Science, 3/2018-12/2019, Funding Amount: RMB 140,000.
- Lau, W. C. (2016-18). Intervention study of Active Video Games on intellectual disabled children’s physical activity level, motor ability and physical fitness. Funding Body: General Research Fund, HK$490,200
- Lau, W. C., & Maddison, R. (2013-14). Intervention study of Active Video Games on sedentary children’s aerobic fitness, physical activity level and exercise-related self-efficacy, Funding Body: General Research Fund, HK$303,520.
- Lau , W. C. (2008). The associations between exercise and depression, Funding Body: The Mental Health Association, Hong Kong, HK$30,000
- Lau , W. C. (2007). An investigation of the physical environment effects on physical activity level, attitudes, and weight status in Hong Kong Chinese children. Funding Body: Hong Kong College of Cardiology Funding Amount: HK$148,120
- Lau, W. C. (2003). Feasibility of Establishing Fencing as a Focus Sport in Hong Kong Schools, Funding Body: Hong Kong Sport Development Board Research Grant, HK$ 26,450.
- Sung, Y. T., Lau W. C., Wu, K. S. (2003). A randomised trial on the effects of rope skipping in normal weight and overweight children. Funding Body: HK College of Cardiology Research Grant, HK$ 230,000.
- Hong Kong Council of Early Childhood Education and Services & Lau, W. C. (2001). Wellness For Sure—Sparkling Kids Movement, Funding Body: Quality Education Fund. Funding Amount: HK$ 1,025,000.
- Wong, H. S. & Lau, W. C. (2000). Regular Exercise for Health – Morning Exercise, Eye Exercise and Light Stretching Exercises during the Changes of Class Period. Funding Body: Curriculum Development Institute, Education Department, H. K. Funding Amount: HK$488,000
- Guldan, G. & Lau, W. C. (2000). School-based Life-long Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Promotion for Hong Kong Primary and Secondary Students, Funding Body: Quality Education Fund, Funding Amount: HK$594,330
- Lau, W. C. & Chan, S. H. (1999). Games to Control Body Weight, Funding Body: Quality Education Fund, HK$165,000 (External Grant).
- Hui, S. C., Wong, H. S., Wong, W. K. & Lau, W. C. (1999). Validation of Fitness Prediction Models in Hong Kong Children: The 1-Mile Walk Test and Body Fat Assessment, Funding Body: Sport Development Board, Hong Kong, $ 86,092
- Lau, W. C., Wong, W. K., Hui, S. C., Yuen, P. Y. & Liu, K. W. (1998). Fun to Fit: Weight Loss Program for Obese Children in Hong Kong. Funding Body: Health Care & Promotion Fund, Hong Kong, Funding Amount: HK$369,000
- Lau, W.C. (1997) Sport and Society, Funding Body: Curriculum Development Institute, Education Department, Hong Kong Funding Amount:$18,000
Internal Grants
- Lau , W. C. (2018). A Review and Evaluation of Elite Sport Policy in Hong Kong. Funding Body: Faculty Research Grant, HKBU, HK$49,520.
- Lau , W. C., Huang, Wendy, Y. J., Maddison, R. & Wang, H. J. (2015-16). Development of the Instruments to Assess Environmental Factors Associated with Physical Activity in Hong Kong University Students by Crowd sourcing Method in Mobile Technology, Funding Body: Faculty Research Grant, HKBU, HK$149,860.
- Lau , W. C. (2015-16). Investigation of the effectiveness and successful features of Facebook in youth PA intervention, Funding Body: Faculty Research Grant, HKBU, HK$50,000
- Lau, Patrick, W. C. (2014-15). Feasibility investigation of the establishment of the Area of Excellence (AoE) in Olympic Research and Education, Funding Body: SOSC Faculty GRF Incentive Award Scheme, HKBU, HK$30,000
- Lau , W. C. (2013-14). An extended baseline survey of a 6-year cohort to study development of childhood obesity and its correlates among primary school students aged 6-11 years in Hong Kong, Funding Body: Faculty Research Grant, HKBU, HK$50,000.
- Lau , W. C. (2013-14). Investigation of Active Vide Games on Sedentary Children's Physical Activity Level and Exercise Related Self-efficacy, Funding Body: Faculty Research Grant, HKBU, HK$50,000.
- Lau , W. C. (2013). An intervention study of self-regulation training and active video games on the physical fitness & physical activity behavioral changes in Chinese overweight school children. Funding Body: Faculty Research Grant, HKBU, HK$100,000.
- Lau, Patrick, W. C. (2011). Behavioral changes of children physical activity through the usage of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Hong Kong and New Zealand. Funding Body: SOSC Faculty GRF Incentive Award Scheme, HKBU, HK$20,000.
- Lau , W. C. (2011). Integrating SMS into PA intervention for Hong Kong Chinese adolescents: The effects of SMS delivery frequency and timing, Funding Body: Faculty Research Grant, HKBU, HK$98,800.
- Lau , W. C. (2010). Using active video games to promote physical activity: the preferences and energy expenditure of Hong Kong Chinese children. Funding Body: Faculty Research Grant, HKBU, HK$118,200.
- Lau W. C. & Wong P. (2009). Effects of high-intensity intermittent running exercise on obese individual: amulti-disciplinary approach. Funding Body: Faculty Research Grant, HKBU, HK$119,320.
- Lau , W. C. (2009). An investigation of the effectiveness of using internet website, email, and Short Message Service in promoting physical activity in Hong Kong Chinese children. Funding Body: Faculty Research Grant, HKBU, HK$99,980.
- Lau , W. C. & Lam H. S. (2008). National Identity and the Beijing Olympics: School Children's Responses in Mainland China, Taiwan & Hong Kong, Funding Body: Faculty Research Grant, HKBU, HK$50,000
- Lau , W. C. (2005).The effects of weight training on Chinese obese secondary school students. Funding Body: Faculty Research Grant, HKBU, HK$150,000
- Lau , W. C. & Cheung, P. T. (2005). A study of the genetic factors and environmental factors contributing to hypercholesterolaemia in Chinese children. Funding Body: Faculty Research Grant, HKBU, HK$149,850.
- Lau , W. C. (2004). Investigation of physical education teachers’ attitude towards overweight students when contrasting with general population in Chinese community. Funding Body: Faculty Research Grant, HKBU, HK$48,820
- Lau, W. C., Sung, Y. T. & Lee A. (2002). The physiological and psychological effects of resistance training on Chinese obese adolescents. Funding Body: Faculty Research Grant, HKBU, HK$ 49,700.
- Lau, W. C. (2002). Intervention study for Chinese obese children—effects on fitness, exercise behaviors and psychological health. Funding Body: Faculty Research Grant, HKBU, Funding Amount: HK$ 110,800.
- Lau, W. C. (2001). Parental Influences on Chinese Obese Children’s Attractions to Physical Activity Funding Body: Faculty Research Grant, HKBU, HK$ 50,000.
- Lau, W. C. (2001). Impact of Parents’ Lifestyle on the Health Education of Obese Children in Hong Kong, Funding Body: Direct Grant, CUHK, HK$ 58,000.
- Lau, W. C. (2001). Intervention and Comparisons of Family-School-PTA (FSP) Health Education Program between low and Medium Obese Children. Funding Body: Direct Grant, CUHK, HK$ 62,000.
- Lau, W. C. (2000). Health Tutoring Intervention on Overweight School Children: A Family Monitoring Approach, Funding Body: Direct Grant, CUHK, HK$ 57,000.
- Lau, W. C. (1999). Psychological and Socio-environmental Correlates of Sport Participation in Secondary School –age Children, Funding Body: Direct Grant, CUHK, HK$ 23,800.
- Lau, W. C. & Johns, D. (1998). Testing the Validity of Sport Identity as a Predictor for Youth Sport Participation, Funding Body: Direct Grant, CUHK, HK$24,000.
- Sport History
- Sport Philosophy
- Sport Sociology
- Sport Marketing
- Recreation Management
- Obesity
Thesis supervision
PhD Thesis supervision
HK PhD Fellowship Scheme:
Ms. Liang Yan
Intervention study of Active Video Games on sedentary children’s physical fitness &
exercise motivation (Completed in 2015)
Ms. Wang Jing Jing
Integrating informational communication technology into Chinese children’s physical
activity behavior modification (Completed in 2015)
HKBU Internal Quota:
Ms. Pinky Tso The association between life quality of elderly people and exercise intervention.
(Completed in 2008)
Ms. Guo Linxuan The study of the supportiveness of Shanghai government to recreational activities after
2008 Olympic Games. (Completed in 2011)
Ms. Peggy Choi
Effects of a structural physical activity program on motor performance and psychosocial behaviors of primary school students with intellectual disability (Completed in 2013)
Ms. Amanda Pitkethly
A primary school- based intervention pilot study to determine the benefit of physically active video games combined with self-regulation training, on the physical fitness &
exercise related behaviours of sedentary, obese and overweight children (Completed in 2015)
Ms. Wu Wen
A Policy Analysis of Elite Sport Development in Hong Kong: The Cases of Cycling, Fencing and Taekwondo (Completed in 2021)
MPhil supervision
Ms. Lau Yuen Yan
An investigation of using internet website, email, and Short Message Services (SMS) on promoting physical activity in Chinese adolescents. (Completed in 2009)
Honorary Appointment
Dec 2012 to present Adjunct Professor, School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing, China
Sept 2019 to 8-2023 Honorary scholar, School of Continuing Education, HKBU
Awards and Accreditation
May 2019 Faculty Award for Outstanding Performance in Scholarly Work, HKBU
Feb 2019 Fellow of the European College of Sport Science (FECSS)
Jan 2017 Faculty Award for Outstanding Academic Contribution to Service, HKBU
Dec 2016 Outstanding Paper Award, Asian Society of Physical Education of Young Children
April 2016 Faculty Award for Outstanding Performance in Scholarly Work, HKBU
March 2015 Faculty Award for Outstanding Performance in Scholarly Work, HKBU
Feb 2014 Faculty Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching, HKBU
April 2013 Faculty Award for Outstanding Academic Contribution to Service, HKBU
Oct 2012 Incentive award for RGC’s HK PhD Fellowship Scheme 2012, HKBU
Feb 2012 Faculty Award of Excellent Performance in Scholarly Work, HKBU
Oct 2011 Incentive award for RGC’s HK PhD Fellowship Scheme 2011, HKBU
Oct. 2008 The 1st Class Honor Award, The 7th SCSEPF Annual Conference (2008). The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness
July 2008 ISCPES Research Award, 16th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Comparative Physical education and Sport (ISCPES) 2008
Aug. 2007 Faculty Award for Outstanding Performance in Scholarly Work, HKBU
Jan. 2007 Jump Rope for Heart Project Award, Hong Kong College of Cardiology
Oct. 2005-Jan. Accredited Sport Psychologist (Research), British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences, United Kingdom
Oct. 2004 SCSEPF Research Award, The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology & Fitness
2000, 2001 Outstanding teacher, Faulty of Education, CUHK
1999, 2000 Exemplary Teacher’s Award, Faulty of Education, CUHK
1998, 1999 Outstanding teacher, Faulty of Education, CUHK
1997-1998 Certificate of Appreciation School-based Curriculum Project Scheme. Education Department, Hong Kong
Member of:
1. International Society of Behavioral, Nutrition, and Physical Activity
2. The European College of Sport Science
3. The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences
4. World Leisure Organization
5. Hong Kong Recreation Management Association
6. Hong Kong Society of Behavioral Health
Editorial Board
1. Associate Editor (8-2019-present), BMC Public Health
2. Review editor, Editorial Board (5-2019-present) in Frontiers in Pediatrics
3. Review editor, Editorial Board (5-2019-present) in Frontiers in Public Health
4. Editorial board member (1-2019-present), Scientific Reports
5. Editorial board member (1-2019-present), International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
6. Journal editor (2014-present), Games for Health Journal, USA
7. Co-editor (1-2017 to 31 Dec. 2018), East Asian Sport Thought: The International Journal for the Sociology of Sport
University, Faculty & Department Administration (HKBU)
2021-2022 Member, HKBU Ordinance Task Force
2019-2021 Faculty Quality Assurance Sub-committee
11- 2019 to 12-2020 Faculty Niche Research Area – “Wellbeing” cluster convenor
2019-2021 Department representative, Faculty Research Committee
5-6 2019 Faculty academic coordinator, RGC visit
2018-2021 Honorary Degrees Committee
2018-2021 PERM Executive Committee member
2018-2019 Selection panel of the Reward and Recognition Scheme for Non-teaching Staff
10/2018-12/2022 Council member
2017-2020 Mock RAE Administrator, Department of Sport & PE
2016-2017 Faculty Multi-disciplinary Program Development Committee
2016-2017 Working Group on Joint Course Offering, Graduate School
2016-2017 Working Group on Graduate Attributes for RPG, Graduate School
2015-2019 Faculty Quality Assurance Sub-Panel
2015-2016 Council member
2015-2023 Director, Master of Public Administration
2014-2018 Research Team Coordinator, Advanced Institute of Contemporary China Studies
2014-2020 Department representative, Master of Arts in Global Society
2013-2021 Research development coordinator, Department of Sport, PE & Health
2013-Sept 2017 Faculty representative, Research Postgraduate Studies Committee
2013-2017 Deputy Chairman, Faculty Research Postgraduate Regulations Committee
2013-2018 Member, Faculty Research Policy Advisory Committee
2013-2016 Ex-officio members, Research Staff and Research Postgraduate e-Forum
2012-2014 Cost Center coordinator of RAE 2014, Department of PE
2012-2021 Convener in promotion, Task Force on Sustainable Campus
2011-2017 Research Postgraduate Coordinator, Faculty of Social Science
2012 Faculty Management Team, Faculty of Social Science
2011-2013 Director, Center for Olympic Studies
2011-2012 Court member
2011-2014 Adviser, Tsing Hua Education & Poverty Program, Student Affair Office
2010-2014 Hall Fellow, S. R. Zhou Hall, Office of Student Affair
2010-2012 Panel member, Arts & Social Sciences Specialist Research Panel
2010-2023 Elected Fund Member Trustee, HKBU 1998 Superannuation Fund
2008-2010 Member, Committee of Graduate Studies, University Council Committees
2008-2010, 2016 Personnel Committee member, University Council Committees
2007-2009 Finance Committee member, University Council Committees
2007-2009 Senate Representative of Social Science Faculty
2008-2012 PERM International Exchange Program
2005-2015 Department representative, Master of Public Administration
2005-2012 Department representative, Faculty Internship program
2002-2012 PERM internship & Placement Program coordinator
2002-2014 USA Walt Disney World ICP & CRP program coordinator
2001- 2014 PERM Executive Committee member
2001- Present PERM Course Team member
2004-2005 SCE Professional Certificate in Fitness Instruction
2002-2004 Sports Facilities Management Committee
2002-2004 Management agent, Joint Sports Center
1. Lau, Patrick W. C. (9/2021-1/2022). Professional Development Program: “China’s sporting culture & Sport,
recreation and leisure in Hong Kong”. Education Bureau, HKSAR.
2. Lau, Patrick W. C. (3/2020-5/2021). Co-host of the radio broadcasting program “China Dot Dot Dot”, RTHK.
3. Lau, Patrick W. C. (3/2020-7/2020). Co-Directors, Stanford Centre at Peking University (SCPKU) Summer
Seminar 2020 Expert consultation, PKU. (中国 7~18 岁学生身体活动核心推荐专家咨询工作)
4. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2/2019-12/2019). “Moving soccer pitch (移動球場)” Chelsea FC Soccer School (HK).
5. Lau, Patrick W. C. (10/2018-10/2020). Smart Community Space 21 Project. The Hong Kong Federation of
Youth Groups.
6. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2016-17). Consultancy study on provision of sports facilities in Hong Kong. Deloitte
Advisory (Hong Kong) Limited.
7. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2015-16). Policy study of the opening of school sport facilities to community use. Ma Fung
Kwok Legislative Councilor office, HKSAR.
8. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2015). Psychological skills for PE, Sport & Recreation for PE (HKDSE) Learning &
Teaching Package. Education Bureau, HKSAR.
9. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2015). Social aspects of the PE (HKDSE) learning and teaching package. Education
Bureau, HKSAR.
10. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2012-16). Member of the Festival of Sport Organizing Committee, Sports Federation &
Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China.
11. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2011-13). Co-host of the radio broadcasting program『體運全世界』, RTHK
12. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2010-14). Adviser, Employees Retraining Board, Hong Kong.
13. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2007-2010). Committee member, Academic and Scientific Sub-committee, 22nd
International Federation of Parks and Recreation Administration World Congress 2010, Hong Kong.
14. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2007-2016). Academic Committee Chairman, Hong Kong Recreation Management
Association, Hong Kong.
15. Lau, W. C. (2006-2007). Adviser, Hong Kong Playground Association, Hong Kong.
16. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2006-2008). Adviser, Sport for All Assessment Task Force, Community Sports
Commission, Hong Kong
17. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2006-2011). Adviser, Skills Upgrading Scheme, Hong Kong Vocational Training Council
18. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2005-2006). Adviser, physical activity training program for obese children, Student Health
Service, Department of Health, Hong Kong.
19. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2005-2007). Course coordinator, promotion of 2009 East Asian Games, sport education
program, Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong.
20. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2005-2007). Speaker, promotion of 2009 East Asian Games, sport education program,
Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong.
21. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2005-2006). Adviser, physical activity training program for obese children, Caritas
Integrated Family Service Centre, Tsuen Wan (East).
22. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2004-2005). Program consultant, Professional Certificate in Fitness Instruction, School of
Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University.
23. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2001-2004). Advisor, Wellness Program, Hong Kong Council of Early Childhood
Education & Services (HKCECES).
24. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2002). Advisor of the TV broadcasting program, “非常健談”, East Asia Satellite
Television Limited, Hong Kong.
25. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2001). Consultant and Co-host of the broadcasting program, Sport for Health, Children
Sunday, RTHK.
26. Lau, Patrick W. C. (2000). Advisor (sport, physical education & recreation section), Southern China culture
encyclopedia, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Exteranl Academic Committee & External Exmainer
1. Accreditation panel member (29–30 September 2021), program accreditation of Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Digital Social Science, United International College, China.
2. Accreditation panel member (13–15 January 2021), program accreditation of Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management, United International College, China.
3. Review panel member (8-2021), periodic program review for THEi Sports and Recreation Management Programme, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THE-I), Hong Kong.
4. Member (9-2021 to 8-2024), HKDSE Physical Education Subject Committee
5. Review panel member (2018-19) of Higher Diploma Programs, Lingnan Institute of Further Education 6. Academic committee chairman (2018-present,), International Association of Sport and Play for Young Children (IASAPYC), USA.
7. Organizing committee member (8-2018) of 2018 International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) Satellite meeting “Nutrition,Physical Activity and Health in Early Life”, Beijing, China.
8. HRC Annual Funding (2017) External reviewer, Health Research Council (HRC) of New Zealand
9. External program assessor (2016-2017), School of Business & Administration, Open University of HK 10. Advisor (2009-11), The Taiwan Society of Sport Sociology, Taiwan
11. Member of the Stakeholder Group of 2017 Hong Kong Report Card
12. Member of the Stakeholder Group of 2018 Hong Kong Report Card+
13. External examiner (2008-2009, PhD thesis), Department of Community Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
14. External examiner (2005-2014), Department of Hotel, Service and Tourism Studies, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education-Chai Wan, Hong Kong
15. External examiner (2012-2020), Faculty of Management and Hospitality, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THE-I), Hong Kong
16. Academic committee chairman (2006-present), Hong Kong Recreation Management Association, Hong Kong
Journal reviewer
1. Journal reviewer, American Journal of Preventive Medicine
2. Journal reviewer, BMC Public Health
3. Journal reviewer, Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics
4. Journal reviewer, Computers in Human Behavior
5. Journal reviewer, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, USA
6. Journal reviewer, Education Research Journal, Hong Kong Educational Research Association
7. Journal reviewer, European Journal of Cancer Care
8. Journal reviewer, Frontiers in Pediatrics
9. Journal reviewer, Frontiers in Psychology
10. Journal reviewer, Frontiers in Public Health
11. Journal reviewer, Health Promotion International
12. Journal reviewer, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, USA
13. Journal reviewer, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
14. Journal reviewer, International Journal of Obesity
15. Journal reviewer, International Journal of Pediatric Obesity
16. Journal reviewer, International Review for the Sociology of Sport
17. Journal reviewer, Journal of Adolescent Health, USA
18. Journal reviewer, Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness
19. Journal reviewer, Journal of Global Health
20. Journal reviewer, Journal of Happiness Studies, Australia
21. Journal reviewer, Journal of Medical Internet Research
22. Journal reviewer, Journal of Sport and Health Science
23. Journal reviewer, Pediatric Obesity, Australia
24. Journal reviewer, PLOS One
25. Journal reviewer, Public Health Nursing, USA
26. Journal reviewer, Public Health Nutrition
27. Journal reviewer, Scientific Reports
28. Journal reviewer, Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture 29. Journal reviewer, Sport in Society, UK
30. Journal reviewer, The International Journal of the History of Sport, UK
31. Journal reviewer, The Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness
32. Journal reviewer, The Journal of Pediatrics
33. Journal reviewer, World Leisure Journal