[Forum] Shaping Tomorrow: The Evolution of Sport Industry in Hong Kong
[立即報名] 「塑造明天:香港體育產業演變」 論壇日期: 7月5日 (星期五)時間: 上午9時 - 下午5時地點: 香港浸會大學逸夫校園永隆銀行商學大樓103室主辦方: 香港浸會大學 - 體育、運動及健康學系報名連結: https://forms.office.com/r/JktTFCpnTN
Environmental factors are having a significant impact on hosting safe races throughout the world. The Global Triathlon Safety Task Force will be recording a webinar to discuss the science behind how air quality and extreme temperatures affects participants, and what can be implemented to minimize risk. Our Hod - Prof. Yannis PITSILADIS is invited to share his insight on the topic of "New technology for tracking athletes’ vital signs during the race in real-time "
If you are interested in it, you may register the webinar through the below link.
Click to register
Date: 26 June 2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 8:00 AM (New York) -1400h CET
The six panelists participating in this webinar all have significant experience in dealing with weather related issues and will share important insights on dealing with these challenges:· Paolo Emilio, Medical Manager, World AthleticsA review of the science behind how air pollution and temperature impact races· Ben Stephenson, Physiologist and performance lead with UK Sports Institute and Vicky Tolfrey, Professor of Applied Disability Sports, Loughborough UniversityThe impact on athletes on air quality and temperature in races.· Yannis Pitsiladis, Professor of Sports and Exercise Science, Hong Kong Baptist UniversityNew technology for tracking athletes’ vital signs during the race in real-time · TK Miller, Global Medical Advisory Board Chair, The Ironman GroupHow race organizers can mitigate the risk of challenges created by uncontrollable climate factors.· Thanos Nikopoulos, Head of Operations, World TriathlonSpecific rules for air quality and temperature extremes for World Triathlon events
Let's join hands on this 10th International Yoga Day 2024 for Global wellness program.
Please find details in the flyer.
For any query, please contact Dr. Rashmi Supriya at rashmisupriya@hkbu.edu.hk
周年運動頒獎典禮 2023-24
【周年運動頒獎典禮 2023-24】
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2024 優秀畢業論文報告會
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