Dr. Carl JAMES

CJ photo


辦公室香港九龍仔浸會大學道教學及行政大樓 AAB 925室

電話號碼3411 6580 (辦公室)

傳真號碼3411 5757

  • PhD University of Brighton, England. (2012-2016)
  • MSc Sheffield Hallam University, England. (2011-2012).
  • BSc Bangor University, Wales. (2006-2009).
  • Dr Challoner’s Grammar School, England (1998 – 2005)


ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Carl-James

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=6J7JYLwAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&gmla=AJsN-F6W8MG0dKCwEzCB0RyNSRtD9unt1Ea4YLe-fqFZAQ6tcueIlSfGA2V4oOeskDdyI1lNHNuuMQy5wsqQMeXxfIucMZcQUdEYh0j85EseEojnp06NIZk

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2099-5343

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carl-james-b913004b/

Loop: https://loop.frontiersin.org/people/398561/overview

Scopus: 57045320900

Applied scientist who has worked with medalists from Commonwealth Games and Asian Games. Particular interests in the physiology and monitoring of endurance, team & racket sports. Research interests concern include all of the above, as well as wearable technology and exercise in hot and humid conditions. BASES accredited practitioner, reviewer and supervisor.

  • Wearable technology in sport and physical activity
  • Exercise performance in hot and humid conditions
  • Physiology of endurance, team and racquet sports
  • Training during the COVID-19 pandemic


Selected Research Dissemination & Media Activity:

  • Scientific American (USA) interview – ‘Outdoor air conditioning cools the world cup. But is it sustainable?’. Nov 2022. Click here.
  • The Star newspaper (Malaysia) feature article – ‘Lowdown on lockdown; study can help athletes cope better in future’ Nov 2021 Click here
  • SquashSkills website (UK) feature article – ‘Measuring The Physical Demands Of Popular Squash Training Sessions’ August 2021. Click here
  • Japan Herald newspaper (Japan) link to research – ‘How Olympic training schedules have been hit by quarantine’. July 2021. Click here
  • New York Times newspaper (USA) feature article – ‘How to exercise in the summer heat’. June 2021 Click here
  • CNA Lifestyle website (Singapore) feature article – ‘How to exercise in Singapore's heat without succumbing to it’. June 2021. Click here
  • Indian Express newspaper (India) feature article – ‘How to exercise in the summer heat’. June 2021. Click here
  • Just Run- Lah website (Singapore) feature article – ‘Expert Series: How to stay physically, mentally & nutritionally healthy?’ April 2020 Click here
  • New York Times newspaper (USA) feature article – ‘Hot Weather Workout? Try a Hot Bath Beforehand.’ July 2017. Click here
  • The Globe And Mail newspaper (Canada) feature article – ‘Testing the best strategy to avoid overheating during exercise.’ July 2017. Click here
  • The Times newspaper (UK) interview – ‘How to work out in a heatwave’. July 2017. Click here
  • Just Run Lah website (Singapore / Malaysia) written article – ‘5 Tips to Improve Endurance Running in Hot Climates?’ July 2017. Click here
  • BBC Magazine (worldwide) interview – ‘Who, What, Why: Will soaring temperatures affect the tennis at Wimbledon?’ June 2015. Click here

BBC Magazine (worldwide) interview ‘What happened to Qatar’s air-conditioned stadiums?’ May 2015. Click here


  • James, C., Rees J., Chong, H., Taylor, L., Beaven, C.M., Henderson, M. and Baker, J. (2023) Blood Lactate Responses of Male and Female Players Across an International Rugby Sevens Tournament. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 18(9), 927-936.
  • Chien, T. L., Tee, C., Pok, C., Girard, O., Brickley, G. and James, C (2023). Physiological characteristics and performance of a world-record breaking tower runner. Journal of Sport Sciences. (Ahead of Print)
  • James, C., Gibson, O, Willmott, A., Stewart, C., & Dhawan, A. (2022). Relationships between opponent ranking and locomotor activity in international field hockey. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, (Ahead of Print).
  • James C., Jones T. and Farra S. (2022) Physiological and performance correlates of squash physical performance. Journal of Sport Science & Medicine. 21, 82-90.
  • Washif J., Farooq A., Krug I., James C., et al. (2022). COVID-19 Lockdown: A Global Study Investigating the Effect of Athletes’ Sport Classification and Sex on Training Practices. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 8;17(8):1242-1256.
  • Washif JA, Kok L-Y, James C, Beaven CM, Farooq A, Pyne DB and Chamari K (2023), Athlete level, sport-type, and gender influences on training, mental-health, and sleep during the early COVID-19 lockdown in Malaysia. Front. Physiol. 13:1093965.
  • Washif J., Farooq A., Krug I., James C., et al. (2022). Training During the COVID-19 Lockdown: Knowledge, Beliefs, and Practices of 12,526 Athletes from 142 Countries and Six Continents. Sports Med. 52(4):933-948.
  • Pagaduan J, Washif J, Krug E, James, C. et al. Training practices of Filipino athletes during the early COVID-19 lockdown. Kinesiology 54(2022) 2:335-346.
  • Washif J., Ammar A., Trabelsi K., Chamari K., Chong C., Mohd Kassim S., Lew P., Farooq A., Pyne D. and James C. (2022). Regression Analysis of Perceived Stress among Elite Athletes from Changes in Diet, Routine and Well-Being: Effects of the COVID-19 Lockdown and “Bubble” Training Camps. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 19 (1), 402.
  • Washif, J., Mohd Kassim S., Lew P., Chong C. and James C. (2021) Athlete's Perceptions of a “Quarantine” Training Camp During the COVID-19 Lockdown. Front. Sports Act. Living 2, 1-8.
  • James C., Willmott A., Dhawan A., Stewart C. and Gibson O. (2021) Increased air temperature decreases high-speed, but not total distance, in international field hockey, Temperature, Epub ahead of print.
  • James C., Gibson O., Dhawan A., Stewart C. and Willmott A. (2021) Volume and Intensity of Locomotor Activity in International Men's Field Hockey Matches Over a 2-Year Period. Front. Sports Act. Living 108, 3.
  • James C, Dhawan A, Jones T, Pok C, Yeo V, Girard O. (2021). Minimal Agreement between Internal and External Training Load Metrics across a 2-wk Training Microcycle in Elite Squash. J Sports Sci Med. 20(1):101-109.
  • James C., Dhawan A., Jones T., Girard O. (2020) Quantifying training demands of a 2-wk in-season squash microcycle. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 16 (6), 779-786.
  • James C. and Girard O. (2020). In-Season repeated-sprint training in hypoxia in international hockey players. Frontiers in Sports & Active Living. 2:66.
  • Gibson O., James C., Mee J., Willmott A., Turner G., Hayes M. and Maxwell N. (2019). Heat alleviation strategies for athletic performance: A review and practitioner guidelines. Temperature, 7 (1), 3-36.
  • Willmott A., Hayes M., James C., Gibson O. and Maxwell N. (2019). Heat acclimation attenuates the increased sensations of fatigue reported during acute exercise-heat stress, Temperature, 7 (2), 178-190.
  • Willmott A., Gibson O., James C., Hayes M. and Maxwell N. (2019). Physiological and perceptual responses to exercising in restrictive heat loss attire with use of an upper-body sauna suit in temperate and hot conditions. Temperature 5 (2), 162-174.
  • Willmott A., Leftwich R., Bliss A., James C. and Maxwell N. (2019) The validity and reliability of the FieldWiz global positioning system. Journal of Biomechanics. 83, 324-328.
  • Willmott A., James C., Gibson O., Hayes M., Dekerle J. and Maxwell N.A. (2018) Once‐ and twice‐daily heat acclimation confer similar heat adaptations, inflammatory responses and exercise tolerance improvements. Physiological reports 6 (24) e13936.
  • James C., Tenllado F., Kantebeen M. and Farra S. (2019) Reliability and validity of an on-court fitness test for measuring aerobic fitness in Squash. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 33(5):1400-1407.
  • James C., Hayes M., Willmott A., Gibson O., Flouris A., Schlader Z. and Maxwell N (2017). Defining the determinants of endurance running performance in the heat. Temperature. 4 (3), 314-329.
  • James C., Richardson A., Watt P., et al. (2017) Short-term heat acclimation and precooling, independently and combined, improve 5 km running performance in the heat. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 32 (5), 1366-1375.
  • Willmott A., Hayes M., Waldock K., Relf R., Watkins E., James C., Gibson O., Smeeton N., Richardson A., Watt P. and Maxwell N. (2016). Short-term heat acclimation prior to a multi-day desert ultra-marathon improves physiological and psychological responses without compromising immune status. Journal of Sports Sciences 35 (22), 2249-2256.
  • James C., Richardson A., Watt P., Willmott A., Gibson O. and Maxwell N (2017): Short term heat acclimation improves the determinants of endurance performance and 5,000 m running performance in the heat. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism. 42(3) 285-294.
  • James C., Willmott A., Richardson A., Watt P. and Maxwell N. (2016) Ischaemic preconditioning does not alter the determinants of endurance running performance in the heat. European Journal of Applied Physiology 116 (9), 1735-1745.
  • Gibson O., Willmott A., James C, Hayes M and Maxwell N. (2016) Power relative to body mass best predicts change in core temperature during exercise-heat stress. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 31(2), 403-414.
  • Ruddock A., Thompson S., Hudson S., James C, Gibson O. and Mee J. (2016). Combined active and passive heat exposure induced heat acclimation in a soccer referee before 2014 FIFA World Cup. SpringerPlus. 05(1),617.
  • James C., Richardson A., Watt P., Gibson O. and Maxwell N (2015) Physiological responses to incremental exercise in the heat following internal and external precooling. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports; 25(1),190-199.
  • James C., Richardson A., Watt P. and Maxwell N. (2014) Reliability and validity of skin temperature measurement by telemetry thermistors and a thermal camera during exercise in the heat. Journal of Thermal Biology 45, 141-149.



  • James C., Jones T. and Girard O. (2022). BASES Sport and Exercise Physiology Testing Guidelines. Volume 1: Sport Testing; Squash. (2022). The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences guide, 5th Edition. Routledge, Oxford, England.
  • Maxwell N., Willmott A. and James C. (2022). BASES Sport and Exercise Physiology Testing Guidelines. Volume 1: Sport Testing; Physiological Testing for Performance in the Heat. The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences guide, 5th Edition. Routledge, Oxford, England.


  • PERM4017 Principles and Practice of Exercise and Weight Management


  • 2023 Keynote speaker - International Symposium on Sports Physiology and Physical Fitness. Taiwan Society of Exercise Physiology and Fitness. James C. Sports Performance in the heat: Physiological Challenges and Practical Solutions. June 2023.
  • 2016 University Postgraduate Research Prize for PhD study; ‘Short term heat acclimation improves the determinants of endurance performance and 5,000 m running performance in the heat.’
  • 2012 Sheffield Hallam University Centre for Sport & Exercise Science Postgraduate Prize for outstanding academic achievement.
  • 2009 Bangor University Sarah Smythe Award for highest overall mark of all students graduating in School of Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences (SHESS)


Industry Qualifications:

  • BASES Supervisor and Reviewer  (2020 - ongoing)
  • BASES Accredited Physiologist  (2015 – ongoing)
  • ASCA Level 1 Strength and Conditioning Coach  (2022 – ongoing)
  • Occupational First Aid, CPR & AED Training  (2020)
  • Postgraduate Certificate Teaching and Learning (University of Brighton)  (2014)
  • Level 2 CYQ (Central YMCA) Gym Instructor   (2011)
  • Sports Medicine and Sports Science Association of Hong Kong, China (HKASMSS)
  • British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES)
  • Australian Strength and Conditioning Association (ASCA)
  • Review editor for Frontiers in Sports and Active Living (Elite Sports and Performance Enhancement section).
  • British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES) Practitioner Accreditation Reviewer
  • British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES) Supervised Experience Supervisor
  • PhD Examiner - University of Waikato, New Zealand 2022
  • Honorary supervisor (MSc). Tarbiat Moderes University, Iran