TADAS/SETDAS 2024-25 得獎者
Building on the solid foundation of the Elite Athletes Admission Scheme (EAAS), HKBU is pleased to enhance EAAS and launch the “Talented Athletes Direct Admission Scheme” (TADAS) specifically for local talented athletes who wish to study at our University to achieve their full potentials in both sports and academic pursuit. Below are the highlights of TADAS:
Objectives of TADAS
- To recognize the outstanding achievements of elite athletes in the community;
- To promote the Whole‐person Education of HKBU;
- To raise the University sport teams’ performance level;
- To provide scholarship support to Hong Kong elite athletes for studying in HKBU;
- To respond to the Government’s appeal on providing opportunities and supports to elite athletes in tertiary education.
This is a university‐wide admission programme in which eligible applicants, as listed below, could apply for their interested programmes (not limited to sport related programmes) through the TADAS.
- Any athletes who are eligible to represent Hong Kong in regional and international competitions; and
- Recognized sports ranking and achievements; anNominated by sports institutions such as the Hong Kong Sports Institute or other sports associations; or
- Retired athletes of the HKSAR sport teams who have achieved outstanding results in regional and international sport competitions such as Olympic Games or Asian GamesStudents nominated under the School Principal’s Nominations Scheme (SPN) under JUPAS or the School Nominations Direct Admission Scheme (SNDAS) will not be eligible for TADAS (i.e. UGC SALSA), and vice versa. In the event that a TADAS applicant is also nominated for SPN/SNDAS, his/her TADAS application will automatically be disqualified.
Tailor-made Learning Support
- Individualized mentoring support, academic advice, psychological counselling and career planning
- Flexibility in study arrangement to take care of student-athletes’ training and competition schedules
- Provision of extension of normal study period
Admission Scholarship
- Student-athletes admitted via TADAS may be considered to receive scholarships of up to full or half tuition fees (i.e. HKD42,100 or HKD21,050 per year) upon their
- The Scholarship is tenable for one to four years, subject to attainment of renewal requirements.
- Two years’ hostel accommodation will also be provided in the first two years of study with the second-year subject to availability, on condition that the scholarship is successfully renewed. The scholarship covers tuition fees
- Recipients may concurrently receive other scholarships or awards from HKBU or other donors/organizations that subsidize their tuition fee provided that the total amount of "tuition‐waiver" scholarships received does not exceed the actual tuition fee paid, i.e., HKBU may adjust the amount of scholarship awarded
Selection Criteria
- Evidence of sports ranking and achievements
- Interview performance
- Reference / Recommendation letters of coaches, and other referees such as former teachers as appropriate
- Self-statement stating applicants’ interests, future plans, and the commitment to complete the academic studies
- Applicants will be individually evaluated through a holistic assessment, where academic merits may not be the major consideration. All shortlisted applicants will be interviewed and their individual suitability will be discussed by relevant staff of the university including TADAS scheme coordinators and relevant academic programme staff.
Application Channel (TADAS)
Application Deadline: 10 January 2025 (for JUPAS & Non-JUPAS applicants)
Application form: https://admissions.hkbu.edu.hk/pdf/TADAS_application_form_2025.pdf
Please submit the completed application form to butadas@hkbu.edu.hk.
Application Channel (SETDAS)
- Please refer to the HKBU AR website for more details: https://admissions.hkbu.edu.hk/en/other-applicants.html