Undergraduate Programme

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Sports Industry Management (*BA - SIM)

2-year curriculum
Admission Requirements
Programme Aims and Objectives
2-year curriculum
Programme Structure

2-year curriculum

Award Title:

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Sports Industry Management 運動產業管理文學士 (榮譽) 學位課程

Number of units required for the Award: 66


Admission Requirements

To be eligible for admission, the JUPUS applicants shall meet the general entrance requirements in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) listed below:


Subject Level
1. English Language: Level 3
2. Chinese Language: Level 3
3. Mathematics: Level 2
4. Citizenship and Social Development: Level A
5. Elective: Level 3 in two subjects


Higher priority will be given to applicants taking "Physical Education" subject as elective in the HKDSE and who has obtained distinction in a subject relating to Physical Education and Sport of the Applied Learning Programme if there are two applicants attain the same score in HKDSE.


Programme Description

The aim of the new programme is to provide students with a comprehensive education in the dynamic sports industry of Hong Kong, a key hub for major international sports events. By integrating theoretical knowledge with practical experiences, students will develop a profound understanding of the sport industry system, including its key stakeholders, emerging trends, and prevalent challenges.


Curriculum Structure


Major Required  Courses
21 units
Major Elective Courses
18 units
Honours Project
3 units
General Education Courses 18 units
Free Electives Courses # 6 units
Total  66 units


Major Required Courses 21 units
Recreation Programming & Event Management 3 units
Facility Management 3 units
Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Engagement 3 units
Data Analytics for Business Decision Making 3 units
Foundation of Sports Industry Management 3 units
Sports Economics and Financial Management 3 units
Internship 1 3 units



Major Elective Courses (Group A)

9 units

Organization and Administration in Physical Education and Recreation

3 units

Sport Media and Public Relation

3 units

Leadership and Communication in Sport and Recreation

3 units

Marketing in Sport and Leisure Services

3 units

Business Strategies in Game and Esports

3 units

Global Sports Business

3 units

Sports Tourism

3 units

Internship 2

3 units

AI in Sports Industry

3 units

Sports Law

3 units


Major Elective Courses (Group B)

9 units

The World of Business and Entrepreneurship

3 units

Introduction to Business Data Analytics and Visualization

3 units

Event Marketing

3 units

Entertainment Law

3 units

Strategic Digital Marketing

3 units

Blockchain: Virtual Assets and Business Applications

3 units

Entrepreneurial Accounting and Finance

3 units

Strategic Issues and Crisis Management 

3 units

Health Communication and Information Campaigns

3 units

Digital Public Relations 

3 units

Media Management

3 units


Honours Project 3 units


General Education Courses

18 units


Free Electives Courses 6 units