
體育及康樂管理文學士 (榮譽) 學位課程

Academic Advising Programme

Intended outcomes of academic advising programme in the Department/Programme


Through advisor and advisee meetings, students should be able to:

1. Have the necessary information and skills for adapting to university life, particularly academic studies.

2. Develop professional and communication skills of recreation and sport managers.

3. Recognize the need for life-long learning as well as for leading life-long physically active and healthy lifestyle.


Planned activities at the Department/Programme Level

1. To hold departmental orientation meeting with new students of the PERM programme.

2. To hold advisor - advisee meetings of 6-10 hours (Department requirement).

3. To organize a “Professional Skill Learning” meeting for final year students.


Activity Timeline Responsibility
1. 1st week of 1st semester  Programme Advisor  
2. Throughout the year Department Advisors
3. 4th or 5th week of 2nd semester Programme Advisor 


Advisors Telephone Room No.
Prof. Lau Wing Chung, Patrick 3411-5634 AAB 1130
Dr. Gao Yang, Gemma 3411-7770 AAB 935
Dr. Huang Yajun, Wendy 3411-6401 AAB 929
Dr. Kim Seungmo 3411-7833 AAB 932
Dr. Fung Wai Tung, Ada 3411-5631 AAB 931
Dr. Duan Yanping 3411-5638 AAB 933
Dr. Tam Tsz King, Bjorn 3411 - 7004 AAB 930
Dr. Rashmi Supriya 3411-8033 AAB 934
Ms. Mak Ka Yee, Elain 3411-5735 AAB 920
Dr. Hon Sze Sze 3411-5734 AAB 916
Mr. Wong Ka Ki, Kilo 3411-7759 AAB 919
Mr. Killoughery Iain Thomas 3411-7768 AAB 918
Ms. Ng Ka Shun, Assunta 3411-5632 AAB 921